2wcb Citations

The crystal structures of human S100A12 in apo form and in complex with zinc: new insights into S100A12 oligomerisation.

J Mol Biol 391 536-51 (2009)
Related entries: 1e8a, 1gqm, 1odb, 2wc8, 2wce, 2wcf

Cited: 64 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 19501594


The functions of the members of the S100 family of EF-hand proteins are modulated by calcium and, in a number of cases, by zinc or copper. One such protein is S100A12, which is implicated in inflammation and host-parasite responses. Previously, we reported the structures of human S100A12 in both low (dimeric) and high (hexameric) calcium forms and, in addition, that of a complex with copper and calcium. Here we report the crystal structures of the metal-free apo form of human S100A12 at 1.77 A resolution and of the zinc complex in two crystal forms (P2(1)2(1)2(1) and F222) to 1.88 A and 1.73 A resolution, respectively. These are the first structures of a zinc-only complex of an S100 protein to be determined. The zinc complex structure shows significant differences from those of both calcium-loaded and apo-S100A12 structures, and comparisons suggest an explanation for the zinc-induced 1500-fold increase in calcium affinity. In addition, the new structures provide insight into the role of zinc-calcium interplay in the transition of S100A12 from a dimer through a tetramer to a hexamer. The role of both zinc and calcium in target binding by S100A12 during host-parasite responses is confirmed by experiments with paramyosin from the tropical parasites Onchocerca volvulus and Brugia malayi.

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  4. Characterization and engineering of S100A12-heparan sulfate interactions. Zhang X, Ong C, Su G, Liu J, Xu D. Glycobiology 30 463-473 (2020)
  5. Influence of nonenzymatic posttranslational modifications on constitution, oligomerization and receptor binding of S100A12. Augner K, Eichler J, Utz W, Pischetsrieder M. PLoS One 9 e113418 (2014)
  6. Calcium Regulates S100A12 Zinc Sequestration by Limiting Structural Variations. Wang Q, Aleshintsev A, Jose AN, Aramini JM, Gupta R. Chembiochem 21 1372-1382 (2020)
  7. Bioinformatics-based investigation on the genetic influence between SARS-CoV-2 infections and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) diseases, and drug repurposing. Islam MA, Kibria MK, Hossen MB, Reza MS, Tasmia SA, Tuly KF, Mosharof MP, Kabir SR, Kabir MH, Mollah MNH. Sci Rep 13 4685 (2023)

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  2. Nutritional Immunity: S100 Proteins at the Host-Pathogen Interface. Zackular JP, Chazin WJ, Skaar EP. J Biol Chem 290 18991-18998 (2015)
  3. S100 Calgranulins in inflammatory arthritis. Perera C, McNeil HP, Geczy CL. Immunol Cell Biol 88 41-49 (2010)
  4. Phagocyte-derived S100 proteins in autoinflammation: putative role in pathogenesis and usefulness as biomarkers. Kessel C, Holzinger D, Foell D. Clin Immunol 147 229-241 (2013)
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  11. The impact of metal availability on immune function during infection. Monteith AJ, Skaar EP. Trends Endocrinol Metab 32 916-928 (2021)
  12. S100A12 in Digestive Diseases and Health: A Scoping Review. Carvalho A, Lu J, Francis JD, Moore RE, Haley KP, Doster RS, Townsend SD, Johnson JG, Damo SM, Gaddy JA. Gastroenterol Res Pract 2020 2868373 (2020)
  13. Host-imposed manganese starvation of invading pathogens: two routes to the same destination. Morey JR, McDevitt CA, Kehl-Fie TE. Biometals 28 509-519 (2015)
  14. Metal sequestration by S100 proteins in chemically diverse environments. Rosen T, Wang KA, Nolan EM. Trends Microbiol 30 654-664 (2022)
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