3vj8 Citations

Binding modes of zaragozic acid A to human squalene synthase and staphylococcal dehydrosqualene synthase.

J Biol Chem 287 18750-7 (2012)
Related entries: 3vj9, 3vja, 3vjb, 3vjc, 3vjd, 3vje

Cited: 22 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 22474324


Zaragozic acids (ZAs) belong to a family of fungal metabolites with nanomolar inhibitory activity toward squalene synthase (SQS). The enzyme catalyzes the committed step of sterol synthesis and has attracted attention as a potential target for antilipogenic and antiinfective therapies. Here, we have determined the structure of ZA-A complexed with human SQS. ZA-A binding induces a local conformational change in the substrate binding site, and its C-6 acyl group also extends over to the cofactor binding cavity. In addition, ZA-A effectively inhibits a homologous bacterial enzyme, dehydrosqualene synthase (CrtM), which synthesizes the precursor of staphyloxanthin in Staphylococcus aureus to cope with oxidative stress. Size reduction at Tyr(248) in CrtM further increases the ZA-A binding affinity, and it reveals a similar overall inhibitor binding mode to that of human SQS/ZA-A except for the C-6 acyl group. These structures pave the way for further improving selectivity and development of a new generation of anticholesterolemic and antimicrobial inhibitors.

Articles - 3vj8 mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Binding modes of zaragozic acid A to human squalene synthase and staphylococcal dehydrosqualene synthase. Liu CI, Jeng WY, Chang WJ, Ko TP, Wang AH. J Biol Chem 287 18750-18757 (2012)
  2. Positive Selection of Squalene Synthase in Cucurbitaceae Plants. Qian J, Liu Y, Ma C, Chao N, Chen Q, Zhang Y, Luo Y, Cai D, Wu Y. Int J Genomics 2019 5913491 (2019)

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