4njj Citations

Radical SAM enzyme QueE defines a new minimal core fold and metal-dependent mechanism.

OpenAccess logo Nat Chem Biol 10 106-12 (2014)
Related entries: 4njg, 4njh, 4nji, 4njk

Cited: 43 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 24362703


7-carboxy-7-deazaguanine synthase (QueE) catalyzes a key S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet)- and Mg(2+)-dependent radical-mediated ring contraction step, which is common to the biosynthetic pathways of all deazapurine-containing compounds. QueE is a member of the AdoMet radical superfamily, which employs the 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical from reductive cleavage of AdoMet to initiate chemistry. To provide a mechanistic rationale for this elaborate transformation, we present the crystal structure of a QueE along with structures of pre- and post-turnover states. We find that substrate binds perpendicular to the [4Fe-4S]-bound AdoMet, exposing its C6 hydrogen atom for abstraction and generating the binding site for Mg(2+), which coordinates directly to the substrate. The Burkholderia multivorans structure reported here varies from all other previously characterized members of the AdoMet radical superfamily in that it contains a hypermodified (β6/α3) protein core and an expanded cluster-binding motif, CX14CX2C.

Articles - 4njj mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Radical SAM enzyme QueE defines a new minimal core fold and metal-dependent mechanism. Dowling DP, Bruender NA, Young AP, McCarty RM, Bandarian V, Drennan CL. Nat Chem Biol 10 106-112 (2014)

Reviews citing this publication (13)

  1. Radical S-adenosylmethionine enzymes. Broderick JB, Duffus BR, Duschene KS, Shepard EM. Chem Rev 114 4229-4317 (2014)
  2. SPASM and twitch domains in S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) radical enzymes. Grell TA, Goldman PJ, Drennan CL. J Biol Chem 290 3964-3971 (2015)
  3. Metabolic functions of the human gut microbiota: the role of metalloenzymes. Rajakovich LJ, Balskus EP. Nat Prod Rep 36 593-625 (2019)
  4. A Rich Man, Poor Man Story of S-Adenosylmethionine and Cobalamin Revisited. Bridwell-Rabb J, Grell TAJ, Drennan CL. Annu Rev Biochem 87 555-584 (2018)
  5. Deazaguanine derivatives, examples of crosstalk between RNA and DNA modification pathways. Hutinet G, Swarjo MA, de Crécy-Lagard V. RNA Biol 14 1175-1184 (2017)
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  7. Following the electrons: peculiarities in the catalytic cycles of radical SAM enzymes. Ruszczycky MW, Zhong A, Liu HW. Nat Prod Rep 35 615-621 (2018)
  8. Cobalamin-Dependent Radical S-Adenosylmethionine Enzymes: Capitalizing on Old Motifs for New Functions. Bridwell-Rabb J, Li B, Drennan CL. ACS Bio Med Chem Au 2 173-186 (2022)
  9. DNA Repair by the Radical SAM Enzyme Spore Photoproduct Lyase: From Biochemistry to Structural Investigations. Berteau O, Benjdia A. Photochem Photobiol 93 67-77 (2017)
  10. Molecular architectures and functions of radical enzymes and their (re)activating proteins. Shibata N, Toraya T. J Biochem 158 271-292 (2015)
  11. Radical-mediated ring contraction in the biosynthesis of 7-deazapurines. Bandarian V, Drennan CL. Curr Opin Struct Biol 35 116-124 (2015)
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  13. Structural insights into auxiliary cofactor usage by radical S-adenosylmethionine enzymes. Jeyachandran VR, Boal AK. Curr Opin Chem Biol 68 102153 (2022)

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