Structure analysis

Crystal structure of a YjeF family protein from Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii serotype A in complex with AMPPNP

X-ray diffraction
2Å resolution
Assemblies composition:
homo dimer (preferred)
homo octamer
Entry contents: 1 distinct polypeptide molecule


Assembly 1 (preferred)
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Multimeric state: homo dimer
Accessible surface area: 25199.78 Å2
Buried surface area: 5099.38 Å2
Dissociation area: 1,309.98 Å2
Dissociation energy (ΔGdiss): 0.45 kcal/mol
Dissociation entropy (TΔSdiss): 13.01 kcal/mol
Symmetry number: 1
PDBe Complex ID: PDB-CPX-125417
Assembly 2
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Multimeric state: homo octamer
Accessible surface area: 87586.71 Å2
Buried surface area: 33604.62 Å2
Dissociation area: 1,596.26 Å2
Dissociation energy (ΔGdiss): 4.41 kcal/mol
Dissociation entropy (TΔSdiss): 16.33 kcal/mol
Symmetry number: 8
PDBe Complex ID: PDB-CPX-125418


Chain: A
Length: 354 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 38.3 KDa
Source organism: Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii H99
Expression system: Escherichia coli 'BL21-Gold(DE3)pLysS AG'
  • Canonical: J9VIT7 (Residues: 1-346; Coverage: 100%)
Gene name: CNAG_05097
Pfam: Carbohydrate kinase

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