6zkc Citations

The coupling mechanism of mammalian respiratory complex I.

Science 370 (2020)
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Cited: 92 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 32972993


Mitochondrial complex I couples NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreduction to proton pumping by an unknown mechanism. Here, we present cryo-electron microscopy structures of ovine complex I in five different conditions, including turnover, at resolutions up to 2.3 to 2.5 angstroms. Resolved water molecules allowed us to experimentally define the proton translocation pathways. Quinone binds at three positions along the quinone cavity, as does the inhibitor rotenone that also binds within subunit ND4. Dramatic conformational changes around the quinone cavity couple the redox reaction to proton translocation during open-to-closed state transitions of the enzyme. In the induced deactive state, the open conformation is arrested by the ND6 subunit. We propose a detailed molecular coupling mechanism of complex I, which is an unexpected combination of conformational changes and electrostatic interactions.

Reviews - 6zkc mentioned but not cited (5)

  1. Analysis of Human Mutations in the Supernumerary Subunits of Complex I. Dang QL, Phan DH, Johnson AN, Pasapuleti M, Alkhaldi HA, Zhang F, Vik SB. Life (Basel) 10 E296 (2020)
  2. Ubiquinone Binding and Reduction by Complex I-Open Questions and Mechanistic Implications. Galemou Yoga E, Schiller J, Zickermann V. Front Chem 9 672851 (2021)
  3. The functional significance of mitochondrial respiratory chain supercomplexes. Kohler A, Barrientos A, Fontanesi F, Ott M. EMBO Rep 24 e57092 (2023)
  4. From the 'black box' to 'domino effect' mechanism: what have we learned from the structures of respiratory complex I. Sazanov LA. Biochem J 480 319-333 (2023)
  5. The Mysterious Multitude: Structural Perspective on the Accessory Subunits of Respiratory Complex I. Padavannil A, Ayala-Hernandez MG, Castellanos-Silva EA, Letts JA. Front Mol Biosci 8 798353 (2021)

Articles - 6zkc mentioned but not cited (7)

  1. Cryo-EM structures of mitochondrial respiratory complex I from Drosophila melanogaster. Agip AA, Chung I, Sanchez-Martinez A, Whitworth AJ, Hirst J. Elife 12 e84424 (2023)
  2. Cryo-electron microscopy reveals how acetogenins inhibit mitochondrial respiratory complex I. Grba DN, Blaza JN, Bridges HR, Agip AA, Yin Z, Murai M, Miyoshi H, Hirst J. J Biol Chem 298 101602 (2022)
  3. Quinone Catalysis Modulates Proton Transfer Reactions in the Membrane Domain of Respiratory Complex I. Kim H, Saura P, Pöverlein MC, Gamiz-Hernandez AP, Kaila VRI. J Am Chem Soc 145 17075-17086 (2023)
  4. Diverse reaction behaviors of artificial ubiquinones in mitochondrial respiratory complex I. Uno S, Masuya T, Zdorevskyi O, Ikunishi R, Shinzawa-Itoh K, Lasham J, Sharma V, Murai M, Miyoshi H. J Biol Chem 298 102075 (2022)
  5. NDUFS3 knockout cancer cells and molecular docking reveal specificity and mode of action of anti-cancer respiratory complex I inhibitors. Kurelac I, Cavina B, Sollazzo M, Miglietta S, Fornasa A, De Luise M, Iorio M, Lama E, Traversa D, Nasiri HR, Ghelli A, Musiani F, Porcelli AM, Iommarini L, Gasparre G. Open Biol 12 220198 (2022)
  6. New Insights on Rotenone Resistance of Complex I Induced by the m.11778G>A/MT-ND4 Mutation Associated with Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. Musiani F, Rigobello L, Iommarini L, Carelli V, Degli Esposti M, Ghelli AM. Molecules 27 1341 (2022)
  7. Resting mitochondrial complex I from Drosophila melanogaster adopts a helix-locked state. Padavannil A, Murari A, Rhooms SK, Owusu-Ansah E, Letts JA. Elife 12 e84415 (2023)

Reviews citing this publication (19)

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  14. Binding of Natural Inhibitors to Respiratory Complex I. Schiller J, Zickermann V. Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 15 1088 (2022)
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