7mn8 Citations

Structures of the HER2-HER3-NRG1β complex reveal a dynamic dimer interface.

Nature 600 339-343 (2021)
Related entries: 7mn5, 7mn6

Cited: 19 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 34759323


Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) and HER3 form a potent pro-oncogenic heterocomplex1-3 upon binding of growth factor neuregulin-1β (NRG1β). The mechanism by which HER2 and HER3 interact remains unknown in the absence of any structures of the complex. Here we isolated the NRG1β-bound near full-length HER2-HER3 dimer and, using cryo-electron microscopy, reconstructed the extracellulardomain module, revealing unexpected dynamics at the HER2-HER3 dimerization interface. We show that the dimerization arm of NRG1β-bound HER3 is unresolved because the apo HER2 monomer does not undergo a ligand-induced conformational change needed to establish a HER3 dimerization arm-binding pocket. In a structure of the oncogenic extracellular domain mutant HER2(S310F), we observe a compensatory interaction with the HER3 dimerization arm that stabilizes the dimerization interface. Both HER2-HER3 and HER2(S310F)-HER3 retain the capacity to bind to the HER2-directed therapeutic antibody trastuzumab, but the mutant complex does not bind to pertuzumab. Our structure of the HER2(S310F)-HER3-NRG1β-trastuzumab Fab complex reveals that the receptor dimer undergoes a conformational change to accommodate trastuzumab. Thus, similar to oncogenic mutations, therapeutic agents exploit the intrinsic dynamics of the HER2-HER3 heterodimer. The unique features of a singly liganded HER2-HER3 heterodimer underscore the allosteric sensing of ligand occupancy by the dimerization interface and explain why extracellular domains of HER2 do not homo-associate via a canonical active dimer interface.

Reviews - 7mn8 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Cryo-electron Microscopic Analysis of Single-Pass Transmembrane Receptors. Cai K, Zhang X, Bai XC. Chem Rev 122 13952-13988 (2022)

Articles - 7mn8 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Structures of the HER2-HER3-NRG1β complex reveal a dynamic dimer interface. Diwanji D, Trenker R, Thaker TM, Wang F, Agard DA, Verba KA, Jura N. Nature 600 339-343 (2021)

Reviews citing this publication (5)

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  4. HER3 Alterations in Cancer and Potential Clinical Implications. Kilroy MK, Park S, Feroz W, Patel H, Mishra R, Alanazi S, Garrett JT. Cancers (Basel) 14 6174 (2022)
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