Structure analysis

Native Lassa glycoprotein in complex with neutralizing antibodies 8.9F and 37.2D

Electron Microscopy
2.77Å resolution
Source organisms:
Assembly composition:
hetero tetradecamer (preferred)
Entry contents: 6 distinct polypeptide molecules


Assembly 1 (preferred)
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Multimeric state: hetero tetradecamer
Accessible surface area: 83120.49 Å2
Buried surface area: 73425.84 Å2
Dissociation area: 1,805.95 Å2
Dissociation energy (ΔGdiss): -12.62 kcal/mol
Dissociation entropy (TΔSdiss): 13.51 kcal/mol
Symmetry number: 1
PDBe Complex ID: PDB-CPX-530774


Chains: A, B, C
Length: 259 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 29.06 KDa
Source organism: Lassa virus Josiah
Expression system: Homo sapiens
  • Canonical: P08669 (Residues: 1-259; Coverage: 53%)
Gene names: GP-C, GPC
Pfam: Arenavirus glycoprotein
InterPro: Arenavirus glycoprotein

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Chains: a, b, c
Length: 232 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 26.8 KDa
Source organism: Lassa virus Josiah
Expression system: Homo sapiens
  • Canonical: P08669 (Residues: 260-491; Coverage: 47%)
Gene names: GP-C, GPC
Pfam: Arenavirus glycoprotein

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Chains: P, R, T
Length: 105 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 11.41 KDa
Source organism: Homo sapiens
Expression system: Drosophila melanogaster

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Chains: O, Q, S
Length: 126 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 13.95 KDa
Source organism: Homo sapiens
Expression system: Drosophila melanogaster

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Chain: H
Length: 136 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 15 KDa
Source organism: Homo sapiens
Expression system: Drosophila melanogaster

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Chain: L
Length: 109 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 11.45 KDa
Source organism: Homo sapiens
Expression system: Drosophila melanogaster

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