Tree for family I25B


Summary Holotypes Alignment Tree Genomes Literature


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align MER0766677 with type example align MER0078329 with type example align descendants of node 184 align MER0766607 with type example align MER0623626 with type example align MER0623457 with type example align descendants of node 182 align MER1138127 with type example align descendants of node 181 align MER0623377 with type example align descendants of node 180 align descendants of node 183 align MER0437405 with type example align MER0160955 with type example align MER0018579 with type example align MER0018578 with type example align descendants of node 177 align MER0018575 with type example align descendants of node 176 align MER0018574 with type example align descendants of node 175 align MER0018576 with type example align descendants of node 174 align MER0018580 with type example align descendants of node 173 align MER0018577 with type example align descendants of node 172 align MER0018188 with type example align MER0436892 with type example align MER0160899 with type example align MER0437330 with type example align MER0036693 with type example align descendants of node 169 align MER0018185 with type example align descendants of node 168 align descendants of node 170 align descendants of node 167 align MER0018190 with type example align descendants of node 166 align descendants of node 171 align descendants of node 165 align descendants of node 178 align MER0436934 with type example align MER0160966 with type example align MER0435933 with type example align MER0183902 with type example align descendants of node 162 align descendants of node 163 align MER0437165 with type example align MER0437162 with type example align descendants of node 160 align MER0183903 with type example align MER0437492 with type example align MER0435890 with type example align MER0435903 with type example align MER0435897 with type example align descendants of node 157 align MER0435900 with type example align descendants of node 156 align descendants of node 158 align descendants of node 155 align MER0161079 with type example align MER0437799 with type example align MER0437759 with type example align descendants of node 153 align MER0160998 with type example align descendants of node 152 align MER0061461 with type example align descendants of node 151 align MER0160981 with type example align descendants of node 150 align MER0437288 with type example align MER0437164 with type example align MER0437160 with type example align descendants of node 148 align MER0437161 with type example align descendants of node 147 align descendants of node 149 align descendants of node 146 align descendants of node 154 align descendants of node 145 align descendants of node 159 align descendants of node 144 align MER0235551 with type example align descendants of node 143 align descendants of node 161 align descendants of node 142 align MER0437181 with type example align descendants of node 141 align descendants of node 164 align MER0155880 with type example align MER0155878 with type example align descendants of node 139 align MER0155879 with type example align descendants of node 138 align MER0766546 with type example align descendants of node 137 align MER0155876 with type example align descendants of node 136 align MER0155877 with type example align descendants of node 135 align MER0159312 with type example align MER0092265 with type example align MER0090751 with type example align descendants of node 133 align MER0090361 with type example align descendants of node 132 align MER0090289 with type example align descendants of node 131 align descendants of node 134 align descendants of node 130 align descendants of node 140 align descendants of node 129 align descendants of node 179 align MER1153888 with type example align MER0118010 with type example align MER0610855 with type example align MER0123427 with type example align descendants of node 126 align descendants of node 127 align descendants of node 125 align MER0018931 with type example align MER1130205 with type example align MER0028454 with type example align MER1128759 with type example align MER0117917 with type example align descendants of node 122 align 123 with type example align descendants of node 121 align descendants of node 124 align descendants of node 120 align MER0028620 with type example align MER0832260 with type example align MER0169655 with type example align descendants of node 118 align MER0411588 with type example align descendants of node 117 align MER0098409 with type example align descendants of node 116 align MER0179355 with type example align descendants of node 115 align MER0018918 with type example align MER0029255 with type example align MER0023844 with type example align MER1122445 with type example align MER0179391 with type example align MER0326356 with type example align MER0098294 with type example align descendants of node 111 align MER0169699 with type example align descendants of node 110 align 112 with type example align descendants of node 109 align descendants of node 113 align MER1116611 with type example align MER0180011 with type example align MER0326082 with type example align MER0169609 with type example align descendants of node 106 align MER0098400 with type example align descendants of node 105 align MER0123126 with type example align descendants of node 104 align 107 with type example align descendants of node 103 align MER1099955 with type example align descendants of node 102 align MER0018909 with type example align MER1038704 with type example align MER0229590 with type example align MER0608255 with type example align MER0098404 with type example align MER0326503 with type example align MER0162566 with type example align descendants of node 98 align MER0018910 with type example align descendants of node 97 align descendants of node 99 align descendants of node 96 align 100 with type example align descendants of node 95 align MER0018911 with type example align descendants of node 94 align descendants of node 101 align descendants of node 93 align descendants of node 108 align descendants of node 92 align descendants of node 114 align MER1128969 with type example align MER0137600 with type example align MER0018925 with type example align MER0018221 with type example align MER0119565 with type example align MER0116646 with type example align descendants of node 88 align descendants of node 89 align descendants of node 87 align MER0607016 with type example align MER0766675 with type example align MER0240932 with type example align MER1106491 with type example align MER0119312 with type example align MER1153201 with type example align MER0327460 with type example align 83 with type example align MER0161473 with type example align descendants of node 82 align 84 with type example align descendants of node 81 align descendants of node 85 align MER0607200 with type example align MER0018192 with type example align descendants of node 79 align descendants of node 80 align descendants of node 78 align MER0607199 with type example align descendants of node 77 align MER0049670 with type example align MER0766832 with type example align MER0766759 with type example align MER0766906 with type example align MER0766905 with type example align descendants of node 74 align MER0766558 with type example align descendants of node 73 align MER0766557 with type example align descendants of node 72 align descendants of node 75 align descendants of node 71 align MER0766560 with type example align MER0276979 with type example align MER0161470 with type example align descendants of node 69 align MER0018908 with type example align descendants of node 68 align MER0018927 with type example align descendants of node 67 align descendants of node 70 align descendants of node 66 align descendants of node 76 align MER1128751 with type example align MER0177072 with type example align MER1128941 with type example align MER0766752 with type example align 63 with type example align MER0331941 with type example align MER0766669 with type example align MER0327077 with type example align MER1130177 with type example align MER0162383 with type example align 60 with type example align 61 with type example align descendants of node 59 align MER0098371 with type example align descendants of node 58 align MER0018900 with type example align descendants of node 57 align descendants of node 62 align descendants of node 56 align MER0290685 with type example align descendants of node 55 align 64 with type example align MER0608254 with type example align MER0160008 with type example align 53 with type example align MER0608253 with type example align MER0766781 with type example align MER0098395 with type example align descendants of node 51 align descendants of node 52 align MER0290647 with type example align MER0290645 with type example align MER0018174 with type example align MER0018173 with type example align descendants of node 48 align descendants of node 49 align descendants of node 47 align MER0325979 with type example align descendants of node 46 align descendants of node 50 align MER0018177 with type example align MER0018176 with type example align descendants of node 44 align MER0018179 with type example align descendants of node 43 align MER0018180 with type example align descendants of node 42 align descendants of node 45 align descendants of node 41 align MER0602592 with type example align MER1123170 with type example align MER0018172 with type example align 39 with type example align MER0225912 with type example align descendants of node 38 align MER0290714 with type example align descendants of node 37 align descendants of node 40 align MER0608257 with type example align MER0225467 with type example align MER0437267 with type example align MER0225484 with type example align MER1120904 with type example align MER0290733 with type example align 33 with type example align 34 with type example align descendants of node 32 align MER0666269 with type example align descendants of node 31 align 35 with type example align descendants of node 30 align descendants of node 36 align descendants of node 29 align descendants of node 54 align descendants of node 28 align descendants of node 65 align descendants of node 27 align descendants of node 86 align descendants of node 26 align descendants of node 90 align descendants of node 25 align descendants of node 91 align MER0177166 with type example align MER0161019 with type example align descendants of node 23 align MER0159276 with type example align MER0160188 with type example align MER0098665 with type example align descendants of node 21 align MER0029083 with type example align MER0225465 with type example align MER0161563 with type example align descendants of node 19 align descendants of node 20 align MER0029082 with type example align MER0018604 with type example align MER0290797 with type example align MER0018636 with type example align MER0327883 with type example align MER0098664 with type example align descendants of node 15 align 16 with type example align descendants of node 14 align MER0160189 with type example align descendants of node 13 align descendants of node 17 align descendants of node 12 align MER0161562 with type example align descendants of node 11 align descendants of node 18 align MER0623453 with type example align MER0116644 with type example align descendants of node 9 align descendants of node 10 align descendants of node 8 align descendants of node 22 align descendants of node 7 align descendants of node 24 align descendants of node 6 align descendants of node 119 align descendants of node 5 align MER0607313 with type example align descendants of node 4 align descendants of node 128 align MER0766679 with type example align MER0047223 with type example align descendants of node 2 align descendants of node 3 Tree for family I25B