Tree for family M84


Summary Holotypes Alignment Tree Genomes Literature Architecture


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align MER492041 with type example align MER492040 with type example align MER183692 with type example align MER181727 with type example align MER492032 with type example align MER393711 with type example align descendants of node 24 align MER492034 with type example align descendants of node 23 align MER492037 with type example align descendants of node 22 align descendants of node 25 align MER320224 with type example align MER182582 with type example align MER492039 with type example align 20 with type example align MER318121 with type example align MER182553 with type example align descendants of node 18 align MER393712 with type example align descendants of node 17 align MER182581 with type example align descendants of node 16 align descendants of node 19 align descendants of node 15 align descendants of node 21 align descendants of node 14 align descendants of node 26 align MER492043 with type example align MER182470 with type example align descendants of node 12 align MER492042 with type example align descendants of node 11 align descendants of node 13 align MER492045 with type example align MER182357 with type example align descendants of node 9 align descendants of node 10 align descendants of node 8 align MER492046 with type example align MER593677 with type example align MER468105 with type example align MER649696 with type example align MER635098 with type example align descendants of node 5 align MER672359 with type example align descendants of node 4 align descendants of node 6 align descendants of node 3 align descendants of node 7 align descendants of node 2 align MER518483 with type example Tree for family M84