Literature for peptidase C19.024: ubiquitin-specific peptidase 19

Summary Gene structure Alignment Tree Sequences Sequence features Distribution Literature Substrates

(Topics flags: P Specificity, I Inhibitor, K Knockout, L Localization, V Review. To select only the references relevant to a single topic, click the link above. See explanation.)

  1. Bonelli,S., Lo Pinto,M., Ye,Y., Mueller,S.A., Lichtenthaler,S.F. and Scilabra,S.D. \<br\>Proteomic characterization of ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 19 deficient cells reveals a role for USP19 in secretion of lysosomal proteins\<br\>Mol Cell Proteomics (2024) 100854. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  2. Ho,H.H. and Wing,S.S. \<br\>alpha-Synuclein ubiquitination - functions in proteostasis and development of Lewy bodies\<br\>Front Mol Neurosci (2024) 17, 1498459. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC  V
  3. Li,Y., Liu,X., Li,Y., Wang,J., Zhang,M., Xue,W. and Zhang,M. \<br\>USP19 exerts a tumor-promoting role in diffuse large B cell lymphoma through stabilizing PARK7\<br\>FEBS J (2024) 291, 4757-4774. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  K
  4. Liu,J., Wang,K., Zhu,Q., Zhang,Y., Chen,Y., Lou,Z. and Yuan,J. \<br\>USP19 regulates DNA methylation damage repair and confers temozolomide resistance through MGMT stabilization\<br\>CNS Neurosci Ther (2024) 30, e14711. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  5. Olie,C.S., O'Brien,D.P., Jones,H.B.L., Liang,Z., Damianou,A., Sur-Erdem,I., Pinto-Fernandez,A., Raz,V. and Kessler,B.M. \<br\>Deubiquitinases in muscle physiology and disorders\<br\>Biochem Soc Trans (2024) 52, 1085-1098. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  V
  6. Weerawardhana,A., Herath,T.U.B., Gayan Chathuranga,W.A., Kim,T.H., Ekanayaka,P., Chathuranga,K., Kang,H.C., Jung,J.U. and Lee,J.S. \<br\>SIAH1 modulates antiviral immune responses by targeting deubiquitinase USP19\<br\>J Med Virol (2024) 96, e29523. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  7. Yan,X.H., Zhu,Y.N. and Zhu,Y.T. \<br\>USP19 Stabilizes TAK1 to Regulate High Glucose/Free Fatty Acid-induced Dysfunction in HK-2 Cells\<br\>Curr Med Sci (2024) 44, 707-717. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  K
  8. Yu,W., Zhuang,S., Zhan,M., Chen,Y., Zhang,J., Chen,L., Tu,C., Zheng,L. and Chen,S. \<br\>Deubiquitinating Enzyme USP19 Regulates Ferroptosis and Mitochondrial Damage in SH-SY5Y Cells by Targeting the NOX4 Protein\<br\>J Alzheimers Dis (2024) 100, 799-808. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  K
  9. 2023
  10. Schorova,L., Bedard,N., Khayachi,A., Ho,H.H., Bolivar-Pedroso,J., Huynh,J., Piccirelli,M., Wang,Y., Plourde,M., Luo,W., Del Cid-Pellitero,E., Shlaifer,I., Castellanos-Montiel,M.J., Yu,Z., Valenzuela,D.V.C., Lacalle-Aurioles,M., Kriz,A., Ye,Y., Durcan,T.M. and Wing,S.S. \<br\>USP19 deubiquitinase inactivation regulates alpha-synuclein ubiquitination and inhibits accumulation of Lewy body-like aggregates in mice\<br\>NPJ Parkinsons Dis (2023) 9, 157. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  11. Tian,Z., Xu,C., He,W., Lin,Z., Zhang,W., Tao,K., Ding,R., Zhang,X. and Dou,K. \<br\>The deubiquitinating enzyme USP19 facilitates hepatocellular carcinoma progression through stabilizing YAP\<br\>Cancer Lett (2023) 577, 216439. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  K
  12. Tyagi,A., Karapurkar,J.K., Colaco,J.C., Sarodaya,N., Antao,A.M., Kaushal,K., Haq,S., Chandrasekaran,A.P., Das,S., Singh,V., Hong,S.H., Suresh,B., Kim,K.S. and Ramakrishna,S. \<br\>USP19 Negatively Regulates p53 and Promotes Cervical Cancer Progression\<br\>Mol Biotechnol (2023) PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  13. You,Y., Wang,H., Wang,Q., Yu,Z., Zhao,Z., Zhuang,L., Zeng,S., Zheng,J. and Wen,W. \<br\>Silencing USP19 alleviates cigarette smoke extract-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in BEAS-2B cells by targeting FUNDC1\<br\>Open Med (Wars) (2023) 18, 20230798. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC  K
  14. Zhang,X., Chen,X., Qian,F., Zhu,Y., He,G., Yang,J., Wu,X., Zhang,H., Yu,X. and Liu,X. \<br\>Deubiquitinase USP19 modulates apoptotic calcium release and endoplasmic reticulum stress by deubiquitinating BAG6 in triple negative breast cancer\<br\>Clin Transl Med (2023) 13, e1398. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  15. 2022
  16. Dhingra,R., Rabinovich-Nikitin,I., Rothman,S., Guberman,M., Gang,H., Margulets,V., Jassal,D.S., Alagarsamy,K.N., Dhingra,S., Valenzuela Ripoll,C., Billia,F., Diwan,A., Javaheri,A. and Kirshenbaum,L.A. \<br\>Proteasomal Degradation of TRAF2 Mediates Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Doxorubicin-Cardiomyopathy\<br\>Circulation (2022) 146, 934-954. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  17. Hu,S., Xiang,Y., Qiu,L., Wang,M. and Zhang,Y. \<br\>Activation of the membrane-bound Nrf1 transcription factor by USP19, a ubiquitin-specific protease C-terminally anchored in the endoplasmic reticulum\<br\>Biochim Biophys Acta (2022) 1869, 119299. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  18. Rossi,F.A. and Rossi,M. \<br\>Emerging Role of Ubiquitin-Specific Protease 19 in Oncogenesis and Cancer Development\<br\>Front Cell Dev Biol (2022) 10, 889166. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC  V
  19. 2021
  20. Chai,P., Cheng,Y., Hou,C., Yin,L., Zhang,D., Hu,Y., Chen,Q., Zheng,P., Teng,J. and Chen,J. \<br\>USP19 promotes hypoxia-induced mitochondrial division via FUNDC1 at ER-mitochondria contact sites\<br\>J Cell Biol (2021) 220, PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  21. Li,T., Tan,Y., Ouyang,S., He,J. and Liu,L. \<br\>Resveratrol protects against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury via attenuating ferroptosis\<br\>Gene (2021) 808, 145968. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  I
  22. Rossi,F.A., Enrique Steinberg,J.H., Calvo Roitberg,E.H., Joshi,M.U., Pandey,A., Abba,M.C., Dufrusine,B., Buglioni,S., De Laurenzi,V., Sala,G., Lattanzio,R., Espinosa,J.M. and Rossi,M. \<br\>USP19 modulates cancer cell migration and invasion and acts as a novel prognostic marker in patients with early breast cancer\<br\>Oncogenesis (2021) 10, 28. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  23. Zhao,X., Di,Q., Yu,J., Quan,J., Xiao,Y., Zhu,H., Li,H., Ling,J. and Chen,W. \<br\>USP19 (ubiquitin specific peptidase 19) promotes TBK1 (TANK-binding kinase 1) degradation via chaperone-mediated autophagy\<br\>Autophagy (2021) 1-18. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  24. Zhu,Y., Gu,L., Lin,X., Zhou,X., Lu,B., Liu,C., Lei,C., Zhou,F., Zhao,Q., Prochownik,E.V. and Li,Y. \<br\>USP19 exacerbates lipogenesis and colorectal carcinogenesis by stabilizing ME1\<br\>Cell Rep (2021) 37, 110174. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  25. 2020
  26. Boscaro,C., Carotti,M., Albiero,M., Trenti,A., Fadini,G.P., Trevisi,L., Sandona,D., Cignarella,A. and Bolego,C. \<br\>Non-genomic mechanisms in the estrogen regulation of glycolytic protein levels in endothelial cells\<br\>FASEB J (2020) PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  K  I
  27. Dong,Z., Guo,S., Wang,Y., Zhang,J., Luo,H., Zheng,G., Yang,D., Zhang,T., Yan,L., Song,L., Liu,K., Sun,Z., Meng,X., Zheng,Z., Zhang,J. and Zhao,Y. \<br\>USP19 Enhances MMP2/MMP9-Mediated Tumorigenesis in Gastric Cancer\<br\>Onco Targets Ther (2020) 13, 8495-8510. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC  L
  28. Liu,T., Wang,L., Liang,P., Wang,X., Liu,Y., Cai,J., She,Y., Wang,D., Wang,Z., Guo,Z., Bates,S., Xia,X., Huang,J. and Cui,J. \<br\>USP19 suppresses inflammation and promotes M2-like macrophage polarization by manipulating NLRP3 function via autophagy\<br\>Cell Mol Immunol (2020) PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  29. 2019
  30. Coyne,E.S., Bedard,N., Gong,Y.J., Faraj,M., Tchernof,A. and Wing,S.S. \<br\>The deubiquitinating enzyme USP19 modulates adipogenesis and potentiates high-fat-diet-induced obesity and glucose intolerance in mice\<br\>Diabetologia (2019) 62, 136-146. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  31. Gierisch,M.E., Pedot,G., Walser,F., Lopez-Garcia,L.A., Jaaks,P., Niggli,F.K. and Schafer,B.W. \<br\>USP19 deubiquitinates EWS-FLI1 to regulate Ewing sarcoma growth\<br\>Sci Rep (2019) 9, 951. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  32. Lei,C.Q., Wu,X., Zhong,X., Jiang,L., Zhong,B. and Shu,H.B. \<br\>USP19 Inhibits TNF-alpha- and IL-1beta-triggered NF-kappaB activation by deubiquitinating TAK1\<br\>J Immunol (2019) 203, 259-268. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  33. 2018
  34. Coyne,E.S., Bedard,N., Wykes,L., Stretch,C., Jammoul,S., Li,S., Zhang,K., Sladek,R.S., Bathe,O.F., Jagoe,R.T., Posner,B.I. and Wing,S.S. \<br\>Knockout of USP19 deubiquitinating enzyme prevents muscle wasting by modulating insulin and glucocorticoid signaling\<br\>Endocrinology (2018) 159, 2966-2977. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  K
  35. 2017
  36. Wu,M., Tu,H.Q., Chang,Y., Tan,B., Wang,G., Zhou,J., Wang,L., Mu,R. and Zhang,W.N. \<br\>USP19 deubiquitinates HDAC1/2 to regulate DNA damage repair and control chromosomal stability\<br\>Oncotarget (2017) 8, 2197-2208. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  37. 2016
  38. Harada,K., Kato,M. and Nakamura,N. \<br\>USP19-Mediated Deubiquitination Facilitates the Stabilization of HRD1 Ubiquitin Ligase\<br\>Int J Mol Sci (2016) 17, PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  39. He,W.T., Zheng,X.M., Zhang,Y.H., Gao,Y.G., Song,A.X., van der Goot,F.G. and Hu,H.Y. \<br\>Cytoplasmic ubiquitin-specific protease 19 (USP19) modulates aggregation of polyglutamine-expanded ataxin-3 and huntingtin through the HSP90 chaperone\<br\>PLoS ONE (2016) 11, e0147515. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  40. Jin,S., Tian,S., Chen,Y., Zhang,C., Xie,W., Xia,X., Cui,J. and Wang,R.F. \<br\>USP19 modulates autophagy and antiviral immune responses by deubiquitinating beclin-1\<br\>EMBO J (2016) 35, 866-880. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  41. Lim,K.H., Choi,J.H., Park,J.H., Cho,H.J., Park,J.J., Lee,E.J., Li,L., Choi,Y.K. and Baek,K.H. \<br\>Ubiquitin specific protease 19 involved in transcriptional repression of retinoic acid receptor by stabilizing CORO2A\<br\>Oncotarget (2016) 7, 34759-34772. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  42. Wing,S.S. \<br\>Deubiquitinating enzymes in skeletal muscle atrophy-an essential role for USP19\<br\>Int J Biochem Cell Biol (2016) 79, 462-468. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  43. 2015
  44. Wiles,B., Miao,M., Coyne,E., Larose,L., Cybulsky,A.V. and Wing,S.S. \<br\>USP19 deubiquitinating enzyme inhibits muscle cell differentiation by suppressing unfolded-protein response signaling\<br\>Mol Biol Cell (2015) 26, 913-923. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  45. 2014
  46. Lee,J.G., Kim,W., Gygi,S. and Ye,Y. \<br\>Characterization of the deubiquitinating activity of USP19 and its role in endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation\<br\>J Biol Chem (2014) 289, 3510-3517. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  47. Nakamura,N., Harada,K., Kato,M. and Hirose,S. \<br\>Ubiquitin-specific protease 19 regulates the stability of the E3 ubiquitin ligase MARCH6\<br\>Exp Cell Res (2014) 328, 207-216. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  48. 2013
  49. Velasco,K., Zhao,B., Callegari,S., Altun,M., Liu,H., Hassink,G., Masucci,M.G. and Lindsten,K. \<br\>An N-terminal SIAH-interacting motif regulates the stability of the ubiquitin specific protease (USP)-19\<br\>Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2013) 433, 390-395. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  50. 2012
  51. Altun,M., Zhao,B., Velasco,K., Liu,H., Hassink,G., Paschke,J., Pereira,T. and Lindsten,K. \<br\>Ubiquitin-specific protease 19 (USP19) regulates hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha (HIF-1alpha) during hypoxia\<br\>J Biol Chem (2012) 287, 1962-1969. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  52. Iphofer,A., Kummer,A., Nimtz,M., Ritter,A., Arnold,T., Frank,R., van den Heuvel,J., Kessler,B.M., Jansch,L. and Franke,R. \<br\>Profiling ubiquitin linkage specificities of deubiquitinating enzymes with branched ubiquitin isopeptide probes\<br\>Chembiochem (2012) 13, 1416-1420. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  P
  53. 2011
  54. Lu,Y., Bedard,N., Chevalier,S. and Wing,S.S. \<br\>Identification of distinctive patterns of USP19-mediated growth regulation in normal and malignant cells\<br\>PLoS ONE (2011) 6, e15936. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC  K
  55. Mei,Y., Hahn,A.A., Hu,S. and Yang,X. \<br\>The USP19 deubiquitinase regulates the stability of c-IAP1 and c-IAP2\<br\>J Biol Chem (2011) 286, 35380-35387. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  56. Ogawa,M., Yamaji,R., Higashimura,Y., Harada,N., Ashida,H., Nakano,Y. and Inui,H. \<br\>17beta-estradiol represses myogenic differentiation by increasing ubiquitin-specific peptidase 19 through estrogen receptor alpha\<br\>J Biol Chem (2011) 286, 41455-41465. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  57. 2009
  58. Hassink,G.C., Zhao,B., Sompallae,R., Altun,M., Gastaldello,S., Zinin,N.V., Masucci,M.G. and Lindsten,K. \<br\>The ER-resident ubiquitin-specific protease 19 participates in the UPR and rescues ERAD substrates\<br\>EMBO Rep (2009) 10, 755-761. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  59. 2005
  60. [YEAR:23-11-2005]Combaret,L., Adegoke,O.A., Bedard,N., Baracos,V., Attaix,D. and Wing,S.S. \<br\>USP19 is a ubiquitin-specific protease regulated in rat skeletal muscle during catabolic states\<br\>Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab (23-11-2005) 288, E693-E700. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI