Literature for peptidase C51.002: bacteriophage B30 lysin

Summary Alignment Sequences Sequence features Distribution Literature Substrates
  1. Baker,J.R., Liu,C., Dong,S. and Pritchard,D.G. \<br\>Endopeptidase and glycosidase activities of the bacteriophage B30 lysin\<br\>Appl Environ Microbiol (2006) 72, 6825-6828. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  2. 2004
  3. Pritchard,D.G., Dong,S., Baker,J.R. and Engler,J.A. \<br\>The bifunctional peptidoglycan lysin of Streptococcus agalactiae bacteriophage B30\<br\>Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) (2004) 150, 2079-2087. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI