Literature for peptidase M12.328: SUP-17 peptidase (Caenorhabditis elegans) and similar
- Wang,L., Liu,Z., Shi,H. and Liu,J. \<br\>Two paralogous tetraspanins TSP-12 and TSP-14 function with the ADAM10 metalloprotease SUP-17 to promote BMP signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans\<br\>PLoS Genet (2017) 13, e1006568. PubMed Europe PubMed DOI
- Jafari,G., Burghoorn,J., Kawano,T., Mathew,M., Morck,C., Axang,C., Ailion,M., Thomas,J.H., Culotti,J.G., Swoboda,P. and Pilon,M. \<br\>Genetics of extracellular matrix remodeling during organ growth using the Caenorhabditis elegans pharynx model\<br\>Genetics (2010) 186, 969-982. PubMed Europe PubMed DOI
- [YEAR:26-9-2005]Jarriault,S. and Greenwald,I. \<br\>Evidence for functional redundancy between C. elegans ADAM proteins SUP-17/Kuzbanian and ADM-4/TACE\<br\>Dev Biol (26-9-2005) 287, 1-10. PubMed Europe PubMed DOI PMC EPMC
- Wen,C., Metzstein,M.M. and Greenwald,I. \<br\>SUP-17, a Caenorhabditis elegans ADAM protein related to Drosophila KUZBANIAN, and its role in LIN-12/NOTCH signalling\<br\>Development (1997) 124, 4759-4767. PubMed Europe PubMed