Literature for subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases

Summary Sequences Sequence features Distribution Structure Literature Substrates

(Topics flags: P Specificity, I Inhibitor, K Knockout, E Expression, V Review. To select only the references relevant to a single topic, click the link above. See explanation.)

  1. Li,T., Li,W., Guo,Y., Han,L., Zhang,W., Liu,R. and Feng,H. \<br\>An optimization by response surface methodology for the enhanced production of rMBSP from Pichia pastoris and study of its application\<br\>Prep Biochem Biotechnol (2024) 1-9. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  2. Rani,A., Pandey,D.M. and Pandey,J.P. \<br\>Biomolecular characterization of Antheraea mylitta cocoonase: A secreted protease\<br\>Anal Biochem (2024) 686, 115408. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  3. Saab,S.A., Zhang,X., Zeineddine,S., Morejon,B., Michel,K. and Osta,M.A. \<br\>Insight into the structural hierarchy of the protease cascade that regulates the mosquito melanization response\<br\>Microbes Infect (2024) 26, 105245. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  4. Wakuda,M., Sakamoto,T., Tanaka,A., Sugimura,S., Higashiura,Y., Nakazato,T., Bono,H. and Tabunoki,H. \<br\>High expression of serine protease, Brachyurin in the posterior midgut of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) during horse dropping processing\<br\>BMC Res Notes (2024) 17, 182. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  5. 2023
  6. Li,W., Dou,W. and Wang,J.J. \<br\>BdcSP10 is a prophenoloxidase-activating protease in Bactrocera dorsalis\<br\>Dev Comp Immunol (2023) 138, 104558. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  K
  7. Tsutsui,S., Yoshimura,A., Iwakuma,Y. and Nakamura,O. \<br\>Discovery of Teleost Plasma Kallikrein/Coagulation Factor XI-Like Gene from Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) and the Evidence that the Protein Encoded by it Acts as a Lectin\<br\>J Mol Evol (2023) 91, 536-551. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  8. Vilca-Quispe,A., Alvarez-Risco,A., Gomes Heleno,M.A., Ponce-Fuentes,E.A., Vera-Gonzales,C., Zegarra-Aragon,H.F.E., Aquino-Puma,J.L., Talavera-Nunez,M.E., Del-Aguila-Arcentales,S., Yanez,J.A. and Ponce-Soto,L.A. \<br\>Biochemical and hemostatic description of a thrombin-like enzyme TLBro from Bothrops roedingeri snake venom\<br\>Front Chem (2023) 11, 1217329. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  9. Wei,P., Yang,W., Wang,W., Li,Y., Yan,X., Wu,W., Wang,S., Sun,J., Wang,L. and Song,L. \<br\>A MASP-like functions as PRR to regulate the mRNA expressions of inflammatory factors in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas\<br\>Fish Shellfish Immunol (2023) 138, 108829. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  10. 2022
  11. Kim,E.Y., Jung,J.K., Kim,I.H. and Kim,Y. \<br\>Chymotrypsin is a molecular target of insect resistance of three corn varieties against the Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis\<br\>PLoS ONE (2022) 17, e0266751. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  12. Sakakura,M., Takata,Y., Kimura,C., Matsuda,S., Takamura,T. and Nagaoka,S. \<br\>Limited proteolysis by a prostatic endopeptidase, the sperm-activating factor initiatorin, regulates the activation of pro-carboxypeptidase B in the seminal fluid of the silkworm, Bombyx mori\<br\>Insect Biochem Mol Biol (2022) 148, 103819. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  13. Verma,R.K. and Teper,D. \<br\>Immune recognition of the secreted serine protease ChpG restricts the host range of Clavibacter michiganensis from eggplant varieties\<br\>Mol Plant Pathol (2022) 23, 933-946. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  14. Xiao,K., Zhang,S. and Li,C. \<br\>The complement system and complement-like factors in sea cucumber\<br\>Dev Comp Immunol (2022) 136, 104511. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  V
  15. 2021
  16. Sun,J., Wang,L., Yang,W., Li,Y., Jin,Y., Wang,L. and Song,L. \<br\>A novel C-type lectin activates the complement cascade in the primitive oyster Crassostrea gigas\<br\>J Biol Chem (2021) 297, 101352. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  17. 2020
  18. Cao,X., Lu,Y., Li,J., Xia,X., Gao,Q., Gu,W., Wang,W. and Meng,Q. \<br\>An ShK-domain serine protease of Eriocheir sinensis regulates the PO activity to resist Spiroplasma eriocheiris infection\<br\>Fish Shellfish Immunol (2020) PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  K
  19. de Almeida Barros,R., Merino-Cabrera,Y., Vital,C.E., da Silva Junior,N.R., de Oliveira,C.N., Lessa Barbosa,S., Marques Goncalves Assis,J.V., Ramos,H.J. and de Almeida Oliveira,M.G. \<br\>Small peptides inhibit gut trypsin-like proteases and impair Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) survival and development\<br\>Pest Manag Sci (2020) PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  I
  20. Li,X., Liu,X., Pang,X., Yin,Y., Yu,H., Yuan,Y. and Li,B. \<br\>Transcriptomic analysis reveals hub genes and subnetworks related to ROS metabolism in Hylocereus undatus through novel superoxide scavenger trypsin treatment during storage\<br\>BMC Genomics (2020) 21, 437. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  21. Shi,J.Y., Pan,H.Y., Liu,K., Pan,M. and Si,G.J. \<br\>Expression of ectopic trypsin in atherosclerotic plaques and the effects of aprotinin on plaque stability\<br\>Arch Biochem Biophys (2020) 690, 108460. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  22. Xu,D., Tang,B., Wang,Y., Zhang,L., Qu,Z., Shi,W., Wang,X., Sun,Q., Sun,S. and Liu,M. \<br\>The immune protection induced by a serine protease from the Trichinella spiralis adult administered as DNA and protein vaccine\<br\>Acta Trop (2020) 211, 105622. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  23. Zhang,X., Li,M., El Moussawi,L., Saab,S., Zhang,S., Osta,M.A. and Michel,K. \<br\>CLIPB10 is a Terminal Protease in the Regulatory Network That Controls Melanization in the African Malaria Mosquito Anopheles gambiae\<br\>Front Cell Infect Microbiol (2020) 10, 585986. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC  K
  24. Zhang,Y., Zeng,J., Song,Y.Y., Long,S.R., Liu,R.D., Jiang,P., Zhang,X., Cui,J. and Wang,Z.Q. \<br\>Vaccination of Mice with a Novel Trypsin from Trichinella spiralis Elicits the Immune Protection against Larval Challenge\<br\>Vaccines (Basel) (2020) 8, PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  25. 2019
  26. Gao,L., Wang,L., Yang,X., Wang,Y., Liu,Z., Xu,B. and Guo,X. \<br\>Role of a serine protease gene (AccSp1) from Apis cerana cerana in abiotic stress responses and innate immunity\<br\>Cell Stress Chaperones (2019) 24, 29-43. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  27. Saikhedkar,N.S., Joshi,R.S., Yadav,A.K., Seal,S., Fernandes,M. and Giri,A.P. \<br\>Phyto-inspired cyclic peptides derived from plant Pin-II type protease inhibitor reactive center loops for crop protection from insect pests\<br\>Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj (2019) 1863, 1254-1262. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  28. Salah Eldein,E., Abdalla,M., Eltayb,W.A., El-Arabey,A.A., Ganash,M., Alshammari,F.D., Barreto,G. and Ashraf,G.M. \<br\>Molecular cloning, expression, purification, and functional characterization of SP-22 gene from Bombyx mori\<br\>J Cell Biochem (2019) 120, 15594-15603. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  29. Wu,J.M., Zheng,R.E., Zhang,R.J., Ji,J.L., Yu,X.P. and Xu,Y.P. \<br\>A Clip domain serine protease involved in egg production in Nilaparvata lugens: expression patterns and RNA interference\<br\>Insects (2019) 10, PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  30. Ye,L., Wang,Y., Long,L., Luo,H., Shen,Q., Broughton,S., Wu,D., Shu,X., Dai,F., Li,C. and Zhang,G. \<br\>A trypsin family protein gene controls tillering and leaf shape in barley\<br\>Plant Physiol (2019) 181, 701-713. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  31. 2018
  32. Cherifi,F., Saoud,S. and Laraba-Djebari,F. \<br\>Molecular modeling, biochemical characterization, and pharmacological properties of Cc3 -SPase: a platelet-aggregating thrombin-like enzyme purified from Cerastes cerastes venom\<br\>J Biochem Mol Toxicol (2018) e22165. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  33. Costa,C.R.C., Belchor,M.N., Rodrigues,C.F.B., Toyama,D.O., de Oliveira,M.A., Novaes,D.P. and Toyama,M.H. \<br\>Edema induced by a Crotalus durissus terrificus venom serine protease (Cdtsp 2) involves the PAR pathway and PKC and PLC activation\<br\>Int J Mol Sci (2018) 19, PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  34. Fu,Z., Thorpe,M., Akula,S., Chahal,G. and Hellman,L.T. \<br\>Extended cleavage specificity of human neutrophil elastase, human proteinase 3, and their distant ortholog clawed frog PR3-three elastases with similar primary but different extended specificities and stability\<br\>Front Immunol (2018) 9, 2387. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC  P
  35. He,Y., Wang,Y., Hu,Y. and Jiang,H. \<br\>Manduca sexta hemolymph protease-2 (HP2) activated by HP14 generates prophenoloxidase-activating protease-2 (PAP2) in wandering larvae and pupae\<br\>Insect Biochem Mol Biol (2018) 101, 57-65. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  36. Lange,J., Demir,F., Huesgen,P.F., Baumann,U., von Elert,E. and Pichlo,C. \<br\>Heterologous expression and characterization of a novel serine protease from Daphnia magna: a possible role in susceptibility to toxic cyanobacteria\<br\>Aquat Toxicol (2018) 205, 140-147. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  37. Langenegger,N., Koua,D., Schurch,S., Heller,M., Nentwig,W. and Kuhn-Nentwig,L. \<br\>Identification of a precursor processing protease from the spider Cupiennius salei essential for venom neurotoxin maturation\<br\>J Biol Chem (2018) 293, 2079-2090. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  38. Leontovyc,A., Ulrychova,L., O'Donoghue,A.J., Vondrasek,J., Maresova,L., Hubalek,M., Fajtova,P., Chanova,M., Jiang,Z., Craik,C.S., Caffrey,C.R., Mares,M., Dvorak,J. and Horn,M. \<br\>SmSP2: a serine protease secreted by the blood fluke pathogen Schistosoma mansoni with anti-hemostatic properties\<br\>PLoS Negl Trop Dis (2018) 12, e0006446. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  39. Sun,G.G., Song,Y.Y., Jiang,P., Ren,H.N., Yan,S.W., Han,Y., Liu,R.D., Zhang,X., Wang,Z.Q. and Cui,J. \<br\>Characterization of a Trichinella spiralis putative serine protease. Study of its potential as sero-diagnostic tool\<br\>PLoS Negl Trop Dis (2018) 12, e0006485. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  40. Sun,G.G., Ren,H.N., Liu,R.D., Song,Y.Y., Qi,X., Hu,C.X., Yang,F., Jiang,P., Zhang,X., Wang,Z.Q. and Cui,J. \<br\>Molecular characterization of a putative serine protease from Trichinella spiralis and its elicited immune protection\<br\>Vet Res (2018) 49, 59. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  41. Yang,J., Vrettou,C., Connelley,T. and Morrison,W.I. \<br\>Identification and annotation of bovine granzyme genes reveals a novel granzyme encoded within the trypsin-like locus\<br\>Immunogenetics (2018) 70, 585-597. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  42. Zhou,T., Wang,X., Yan,J. and Li,Y. \<br\>Gene analysis and structure prediction for the cold-adaption mechanism of trypsin from the krill Euphausia superba (Dana, 1852)\<br\>J Sci Food Agric (2018) 98, 3049-3056. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  43. 2017
  44. Albaum,D., Broehan,G., Muthukrishnan,S. and Merzendorfer,H. \<br\>Functional analysis of TcCTLP-5C2, a chymotrypsin-like serine protease needed for molting in Tribolium castaneum\<br\>Insect Biochem Mol Biol (2017) 86, 20-28. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  45. Cao,X., Gulati,M. and Jiang,H. \<br\>Serine protease-related proteins in the malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae\<br\>Insect Biochem Mol Biol (2017) 88, 48-62. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  46. He,Y., Wang,Y., Yang,F. and Jiang,H. \<br\>Manduca sexta hemolymph protease-1, activated by an unconventional non-proteolytic mechanism, mediates immune responses\<br\>Insect Biochem Mol Biol (2017) 84, 23-31. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  47. Hu,J.J., Chen,Y.L., Duan,X.K., Jin,T.C., Li,Y., Zhang,L.J., Liu,G.M. and Cao,M.J. \<br\>Involvement of clip-domain serine protease in the anti-Vibrio immune response of abalone (Haliotis discus hannai). Molecular cloning, characterization and functional analysis\<br\>Fish Shellfish Immunol (2017) 72, 210-219. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  48. Liu,M., Liu,Y., Hui,M., Song,C. and Cui,Z. \<br\>Polymorphisms of clip domain serine proteinase and serine proteinase homolog in the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus and their association with Vibrio alginolyticus\<br\>Chin J Oceanol Limnol (2017) 35, 235-243. DOI
  49. Shukla,E., Agrawal,S.B. and Gaikwad,S.M. \<br\>Conformational and functional transitions and in silico analysis of a serine protease from Conidiobolus brefeldianus (MTCC 5185)\<br\>Int J Biol Macromol (2017) 98, 387-397. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  50. Sun,Y., Wang,Y., Liu,W., Zhou,J.L., Zeng,J., Wang,X.H., Jiang,Y.R., Li,D.H. and Qin,L. \<br\>Upregulation of a trypsin-like serine protease gene in Antheraea pernyi (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) strains exposed to different pathogens\<br\>J Econ Entomol (2017) 110, 941-948. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  51. Yeon,S.J., Shim,K.H., Hong,J.S. and Shin,H.S. \<br\>Identification of a new serine protease from polychaeta, Marphysa sanguinea, for its thrombolytic and anticoagulant activity\<br\>Korean J Chem Eng (2017) 34, 781-786. DOI
  52. 2016
  53. de Oliveira,F., de Sousa,B.B., Mamede,C.C., de Morais,N.C., de Queiroz,M.R., da Cunha Pereira,D.F., Matias,M.S. and Homi Brandeburgo,M.I. \<br\>Biochemical and functional characterization of BmooSP, a new serine protease from Bothrops moojeni snake venom\<br\>Toxicon (2016) 111, 130-138. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  54. Murray,A.S., Varela,F.A. and List,K. \<br\>Type II transmembrane serine proteases as potential targets for cancer therapy\<br\>Biol Chem (2016) 397, 815-826. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  55. Poppel,A.K., Kahl,M., Baumann,A., Wiesner,J., Gokcen,A., Beckert,A., Preissner,K.T., Vilcinskas,A. and Franta,Z. \<br\>A Jonah-like chymotrypsin from the therapeutic maggot Lucilia sericata plays a role in wound debridement and coagulation\<br\>Insect Biochem Mol Biol (2016) 70, 138-147. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  56. Wang,D., Zhang,Y., Dong,Z., Guo,P., Ma,S., Guo,K., Xia,Q. and Zhao,P. \<br\>Serine protease P-IIc is responsible for the digestion of yolk proteins at the late stage of silkworm embryogenesis\<br\>Insect Biochem Mol Biol (2016) 74, 42-49. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  57. Yang,F., Wang,Y., He,Y. and Jiang,H. \<br\>In search of a function of Manduca sexta hemolymph protease-1 in the innate immune system\<br\>Insect Biochem Mol Biol (2016) 76, 1-10. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  58. 2015
  59. Bibo-Verdugo,B., Rojo-Arreola,L., Navarrete-Del-Toro,M.A. and Garcia-Carreno,F. \<br\>A chymotrypsin from the digestive tract of California spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus: purification and biochemical characterization\<br\>Mar Biotechnol (NY) (2015) 17, 416-427. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  60. Boldrini-Franca,J., Rodrigues,R.S., Santos-Silva,L.K., de Souza,D.L., Gomes,M.S., Cologna,C.T., de Pauw,E., Quinton,L., Henrique-Silva,F., de Melo Rodrigues,V. and Arantes,E.C. \<br\>Expression of a new serine protease from Crotalus durissus collilineatus venom in Pichia pastoris and functional comparison with the native enzyme\<br\>Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2015) 99, 9971-9986. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  61. Borges-Veloso,A., Saboia-Vahia,L., Dias-Lopes,G., Domont,G.B., Britto,C., Cuervo,P. and De Jesus,J.B. \<br\>In-depth characterization of trypsin-like serine peptidases in the midgut of the sugar fed Culex quinquefasciatus\<br\>Parasit Vectors (2015) 8, 373. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  62. Chernyshenko,V.O. \<br\>Limited proteolysis of fibrinogen by fibrinogenase from Echis multisquamatis venom\<br\>Protein J (2015) 34, 130-134. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  63. Villas Boas,I.M., Pidde-Queiroz,G., Magnoli,F.C., Goncalves-de-Andrade,R.M., Van Den Berg,C.W. and Tambourgi,D.V. \<br\>A serine protease isolated from the bristles of the amazonic caterpillar, Premolis semirufa, is a potent complement system activator\<br\>PLoS ONE (2015) 10, e0118615. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  64. 2014
  65. Arockiaraj,J., Palanisamy,R., Kumaresan,V., Bhatt,P., Chaurasia,M.K., Kasi,M., Pasupuleti,M. and Gnanam,A.J. \<br\>Striped murrel S1 family serine protease: immune characterization, antibacterial property and enzyme activities\<br\>Biologia (Bratisl) (2014) 69, 1065-1078. DOI
  66. Chernyshenko,V., Platonova,T., Makogonenko,Y., Rebriev,A., Mikhalovska,L., Chernyshenko,T. and Komisarenko,S. \<br\>Fibrin(ogen)olytic and platelet modulating activity of a novel protease from the Echis multisquamatis snake venom\<br\>Biochimie (2014) 105, 76-83. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  67. Fu,G.H., Wan,Z.Y., Xia,J.H., Liu,F., Liu,X.J. and Yue,G.H. \<br\>The MCP-8 gene and its possible association with resistance to Streptococcus agalactiae in tilapia\<br\>Fish Shellfish Immunol (2014) 40, 331-336. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  68. Horn,M., Fajtova,P., Rojo Arreola,L., Ulrychova,L., Bartosova-Sojkova,P., Franta,Z., Protasio,A.V., Opavsky,D., Vondrasek,J., McKerrow,J.H., Mares,M., Caffrey,C.R. and Dvorak,J. \<br\>Trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like serine proteases in Schistosoma mansoni - 'the undiscovered country'\<br\>PLoS Negl Trop Dis (2014) 8, e2766. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  69. Ju,J.Y., Chu,J.X. and Zhao,C.L. \<br\>Cloning and activity analysis of a new protease from Arenicola cristata\<br\>Adv Mat Res (2014) 998-999, 206-209. DOI
  70. Kurtovic,T., Brgles,M., Leonardi,A., Lang Balija,M., Sajevic,T., Krizaj,I., Allmaier,G., Marchetti-Deschmann,M. and Halassy,B. \<br\>VaSP1, catalytically active serine proteinase from Vipera ammodytes ammodytes venom with unconventional active site triad\<br\>Toxicon (2014) 77, 93-104. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  71. Mizuno,T., Nanko,A., Maehara,Y., Shinoda,S. and Miyoshi,S. \<br\>A novel extracellular protease of Vibrio mimicus that mediates maturation of an endogenous hemolysin\<br\>Microbiol Immunol (2014) 58, 503-512. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  72. Pichu,S., Ribeiro,J.M., Mather,T.N. and Francischetti,I.M. \<br\>Purification of a serine protease and evidence for a protein C activator from the saliva of the tick, Ixodes scapularis\<br\>Toxicon (2014) 77, 32-39. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  73. van der Plas,M.J., Andersen,A.S., Nazir,S., van Tilburg,N.H., Oestergaard,P.R., Krogfelt,K.A., van Dissel,J.T., Hensbergen,P.J., Bertina,R.M. and Nibbering,P.H. \<br\>A novel serine protease secreted by medicinal maggots enhances plasminogen activator-induced fibrinolysis\<br\>PLoS ONE (2014) 9, e92096. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  74. Wang,S., Xu,X., Gao,S., Zhu,S., Rong,R. and Li,B. \<br\>Purification and partial characterization of a novel fibrinogenase from the venom of Deinagkistrodon acutus: inhibition of platelet aggregation\<br\>Protein Expr Purif (2014) 99, 99-105. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  75. Yang,Q.Z., Yang,Z.J., Zhang,Y., Li,X.L. and Zhang,W. \<br\>Molecular characteristic and expression analysis of collagenolytic serine protease from the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis with defense response to Vibrio anguillarum challenge\<br\>Genet Mol Res (2014) 13, 3885-3894. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  76. Zhao,C. and Ju,J. \<br\>Molecular cloning, expression, and anti-tumor activity of a novel serine protease from Arenicola cristata\<br\>Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai) (2014) 46, 450-459. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  77. Zhao,C.L., Yu,W.J. and Ju,J.Y. \<br\>Anti-tumor effects of a newly cloned serine protease from the marine annelid, Arenicola cristata\<br\>Adv Mat Res (2014) 998-999, 183-186. DOI  E
  78. Zhao,C.L., Y,W.J. and Ju,J.Y. \<br\>Cloning and expression of a novel protease with fibrinolytic activity from Arenicola cristata\<br\>Adv Mat Res (2014) 998-999, 210-213. DOI
  79. 2013
  80. Amparyup,P., Promrungreang,K., Charoensapsri,W., Sutthangkul,J. and Tassanakajon,A. \<br\>A serine proteinase PmClipSP2 contributes to prophenoloxidase system and plays a protective role in shrimp defense by scavenging lipopolysaccharide\<br\>Dev Comp Immunol (2013) 41, 597-607. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  81. Bi,Q., Chu,J., Feng,Y., Jiang,Z., Han,B. and Liu,W. \<br\>Purification and characterization of a new serine protease with fibrinolytic activity from the marine invertebrate, Urechis unicinctus\<br\>Appl Biochem Biotechnol (2013) 170, 525-540. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  82. Bi,Q., Han,B., Liu,W., Feng,Y. and Jiang,Z. \<br\>UFEIII, a fibrinolytic protease from the marine invertebrate, Urechis unicinctus\<br\>Biotechnol Lett (2013) 35, 1115-1120. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  83. Bi,Q., Han,B., Feng,Y., Jiang,Z., Yang,Y. and Liu,W. \<br\>Antithrombotic effects of a newly purified fibrinolytic protease from Urechis unicinctus\<br\>Thromb Res (2013) 132, e135-e144. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  84. Fang,D.A., Huang,X.M., Zhang,Z.Q., Xu,D.P., Zhou,Y.F., Zhang,M.Y., Liu,K., Duan,J.R. and Shi,W.G. \<br\>Molecular cloning and expression analysis of chymotrypsin-like serine protease from the redclaw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus): A possible role in the junior and adult innate immune systems\<br\>Fish Shellfish Immunol (2013) 34, 1546-1552. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  85. Guo,C., Liu,S., Zheng,T. and Sun,M.-Z. \<br\>A novel thrombin-like gene obtained from Chinese Gloydius shedaoensis shedaoensis\<br\>J Anim Plant Sci (2013) 23, 1398-1406.
  86. Kumar,R.V., Yariswamy,M., Joshi,V., Dharmappa,K.K., Venkatesha,S.H., Sharath,B.K. and Vishwanath,B.S. \<br\>Malabarase, a serine protease with anticoagulant activity from Trimeresurus malabaricus venom\<br\>Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol (2013) 164, 111-116. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  87. Li,X., Yao,J.P., Pan,A.H., Liu,W., Hu,X.C., Wu,Z.D. and Zhou,X.W. \<br\>An antigenic recombinant serine protease from Trichinella spiralis induces protective immunity in BALB/c mice\<br\>Parasitol Res (2013) 112, 3229-3238. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  E
  88. Menaldo,D.L., Bernardes,C.P., Pereira,J.C., Silveira,D.S.C., Mamede,C.C.N., Stanziola,L., Oliveira,F.D., Pereira-Crott,L.S., Faccioli,L.H. and Sampaio,S.V. \<br\>Effects of two serine proteases from Bothrops pirajai snake venom on the complement system and the inflammatory response\<br\>Int Immunopharmacol (2013) 15, 764-771. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  89. Mukherjee,A.K. and Mackessy,S.P. \<br\>Biochemical and pharmacological properties of a new thrombin-like serine protease (russelobin) from the venom of Russell's viper (Daboia russelii russelii) and assessment of its therapeutic potential\<br\>Biochim Biophys Acta (2013) 1830, 3476-3488. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  90. Patino,A.C., Pereanez,J.A., Gutierrez,J.M. and Rucavado,A. \<br\>Biochemical and biological characterization of two serine proteinases from Colombian Crotalus durissus cumanensis snake venom\<br\>Toxicon (2013) 63, 32-43. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  91. Song,C., Cui,Z., Liu,Y., Li,Q., Li,X., Shi,G. and Wang,C. \<br\>Characterization and functional analysis of serine proteinase and serine proteinase homologue from the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus\<br\>Fish Shellfish Immunol (2013) 35, 231-239. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  92. Vivas-Ruiz,D.E., Sandoval,G.A., Mendoza,J., Inga,R.R., Gontijo,S., Richardson,M., Eble,J.A., Yarleque,A. and Sanchez,E.F. \<br\>Coagulant thrombin-like enzyme (barnettobin) from Bothrops barnetti venom: Molecular sequence analysis of its cDNA and biochemical properties\<br\>Biochimie (2013) 95, 1476-1486. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
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