Literature for peptidase homologue T01.970: archaean proteasome, alpha subunit

Summary Alignment Tree Sequences Sequence features Distribution Structure Literature

(Topics flags: S Structure, I Inhibitor, E Expression, V Review. To select only the references relevant to a single topic, click the link above. See explanation.)

  1. Tarrason Risa,G., Hurtig,F., Bray,S., Hafner,A.E., Harker-Kirschneck,L., Faull,P., Davis,C., Papatziamou,D., Mutavchiev,D.R., Fan,C., Meneguello,L., Arashiro Pulschen,A., Dey,G., Culley,S., Kilkenny,M., Souza,D.P., Pellegrini,L., de Bruin,R.A.M., Henriques,R., Snijders,A.P., Saric,A., Lindas,A.C., Robinson,N.P. and Baum,B. \<br\>The proteasome controls ESCRT-III-mediated cell division in an archaeon\<br\>Science (2020) 369, PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  2. 2019
  3. Majumder,P., Rudack,T., Beck,F., Danev,R., Pfeifer,G., Nagy,I. and Baumeister,W. \<br\>Cryo-EM structures of the archaeal PAN-proteasome reveal an around-the-ring ATPase cycle\<br\>Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2019) 116, 534-539. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  S
  4. 2016
  5. Panfair,D. and Kusmierczyk,A.R. \<br\>Examining proteasome assembly with recombinant archaeal proteasomes and nondenaturing PAGE: the case for a combined approach\<br\>J Vis Exp (2016) PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  E
  6. 2014
  7. Barthelme,D., Chen,J.Z., Grabenstatter,J., Baker,T.A. and Sauer,R.T. \<br\>Architecture and assembly of the archaeal Cdc48*20S proteasome\<br\>Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2014) 111, E1687-E1694. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  S
  8. 2012
  9. Lupas,A.N., Kania,M. and Baumeister,W. \<br\>Archaean proteasome\<br\>[ISSN:978-0-12-407742-3] (2012) 3, 3666-3671. DOI
  10. 2010
  11. Kocabiyik,S., Ozdemir,I., Zwickl,P. and Ozdogan,S. \<br\>Molecular cloning and co-expression of Thermoplasma volcanium proteasome subunit genes\<br\>Protein Expr Purif (2010) 73, 223-230. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  E
  12. 2007
  13. Madding,L.S., Michel,J.K., Shockley,K.R., Conners,S.B., Epting,K.L., Johnson,M.R. and Kelly,R.M. \<br\>Role of the beta1 subunit in the function and stability of the 20S proteasome in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus\<br\>J Bacteriol (2007) 189, 583-590. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  14. 2006
  15. [YEAR:25-4-2006]Medalia,N., Sharon,M., Martinez-Arias,R., Mihalache,O., Robinson,C.V., Medalia,O. and Zwickl,P. \<br\>Functional and structural characterization of the Methanosarcina mazei proteasome and PAN complexes\<br\>J Struct Biol (25-4-2006) 156, 84-92. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  16. 2004
  17. Lupas,A., Kania,M. and Baumeister,W. \<br\>Archaean proteasome\<br\>[ISSN:0-12-079610-4] (2004) 2, 2058-2061.  V
  18. Reuter,C.J., Kaczowka,S.J. and Maupin-Furlow,J.A. \<br\>Differential regulation of the PanA and PanB proteasome-activating nucleotidase and 20S proteasomal proteins of the haloarchaeon Haloferax volcanii\<br\>J Bacteriol (2004) 186, 7763-7772. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  19. 2003
  20. [YEAR:14-3-2003]Groll,M., Brandstetter,H., Bartunik,H., Bourenkow,G. and Huber,R. \<br\>Investigations on the maturation and regulation of archaebacterial proteasomes\<br\>J Mol Biol (14-3-2003) 327, 75-83. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  S
  21. Kaczowka,S.J. and Maupin-Furlow,J.A. \<br\>Subunit topology of two 20S proteasomes from Haloferax volcanii\<br\>J Bacteriol (2003) 185, 165-174. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  22. 2001
  23. Barber,R.D. and Ferry,J.G. \<br\>Archaeal proteasomes\<br\>Methods Enzymol (2001) 330, 413-424. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  V
  24. Frankenberg,R.J., Hsu,T.S., Yakota,H., Kim,R. and Clark,D.S. \<br\>Chemical denaturation and elevated folding temperatures are required for wild-type activity and stability of recombinant Methanococcus jannaschii 20S proteasome\<br\>Protein Sci (2001) 10, 1887-1896. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  PMC  EPMC
  25. 1999
  26. Wilson,H.L., Aldrich,H.C. and Maupin-Furlow,J. \<br\>Halophilic 20S proteasomes of the archaeon Haloferax volcanii: purification, characterization, and gene sequence analysis\<br\>J Bacteriol (1999) 181, 5814-5824. PubMed  Europe PubMed  PMC  EPMC  I
  27. 1998
  28. Maupin-Furlow,J.A., Aldrich,H.C. and Ferry,J.G. \<br\>Biochemical characterization of the 20S proteasome from the methanoarchaeon Methanosarcina thermophila\<br\>J Bacteriol (1998) 180, 1480-1487. PubMed  Europe PubMed  PMC  EPMC
  29. 1997
  30. Bauer,M.W., Bauer,S.H. and Kelly,R.M. \<br\>Purification and characterization of a proteasome from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus\<br\>Appl Environ Microbiol (1997) 63, 1160-1164. PubMed  Europe PubMed  PMC  EPMC
  31. 1995
  32. Lowe,J., Stock,D., Jap,B., Zwickl,P., Baumeister,W. and Huber,R. \<br\>Crystal structure of the 20S proteasome from the archaeon T. acidophilum at 3.4 A resolution\<br\>Science (1995) 268, 533-539. PubMed  Europe PubMed  S  I
  33. Maupin-Furlow,J.A. and Ferry,J.G. \<br\>A proteasome from the methanogenic archaeon Methanosarcina thermophila\<br\>J Biol Chem (1995) 270, 28617-28622. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  34. 1994
  35. Grziwa,A., Maack,S., Puhler,G., Wiegand,G., Baumeister,W. and Jaenicke,R. \<br\>Dissociation and reconstitution of the Thermoplasma proteasome\<br\>Eur J Biochem (1994) 223, 1061-1067. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  36. Zwickl,P., Kleinz,J. and Baumeister,W. \<br\>Critical elements in proteasome assembly\<br\>Nat Struct Biol (1994) 1, 765-770. PubMed  Europe PubMed
  37. 1993
  38. Jap,B., Puhler,G., Lucke,H., Typke,D., Lowe,J., Stock,D., Huber,R. and Baumeister,W. \<br\>Preliminary X-ray crystallographic study of the proteasome from Thermoplasma acidophilum\<br\>J Mol Biol (1993) 234, 881-884. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI  S
  39. Wenzel,T. and Baumeister,W. \<br\>Thermoplasma acidophilum proteasomes degrade partially unfolded and ubiquitin-associated proteins\<br\>FEBS Lett (1993) 326, 215-218. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  40. 1992
  41. Dahlmann,B., Kuehn,L., Grziwa,A., Zwickl,P. and Baumeister,W. \<br\>Biochemical properties of the proteasome from Thermoplasma acidophilum\<br\>Eur J Biochem (1992) 208, 789-797. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  42. Puhler,G., Weinkauf,S., Bachmann,L., Muller,S., Engel,A., Hegerl,R. and Baumeister,W. \<br\>Subunit stoichiometry and three-dimensional arrangement in proteasomes from Thermoplasma acidophilum\<br\>EMBO J (1992) 11, 1607-1616. PubMed  Europe PubMed  PMC  EPMC  S
  43. Zwickl,P., Lottspeich,F. and Baumeister,W. \<br\>Expression of functional Thermoplasma acidophilum proteasomes in Escherichia coli\<br\>FEBS Lett (1992) 312, 157-160. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  44. Zwickl,P., Grziwa,A., Puhler,G., Dahlmann,B., Lottspeich,F. and Baumeister,W. \<br\>Primary structure of the Thermoplasma proteasome and its implications for the structure, function, and evolution of the multicatalytic proteinase\<br\>Biochemistry (1992) 31, 964-972. PubMed  Europe PubMed
  45. 1991
  46. Grziwa,A., Baumeister,W., Dahlmann,B. and Kopp,F. \<br\>Localization of subunits in proteasomes from Thermoplasma acidophilum by immunoelectron microscopy\<br\>FEBS Lett (1991) 290, 186-190. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI
  47. Zwickl,P., Lottspeich,F., Dahlmann,B. and Baumeister,W. \<br\>Cloning and sequencing of the gene encoding the large (alpha-) subunit of the proteasome from Thermoplasma acidophilum\<br\>FEBS Lett (1991) 278, 217-221. PubMed  Europe PubMed DOI