Candidatus Blochmannia pennsylvanicus

Taxonomy database identifier: 101534
Superkingdom Bacteria
Phylum Proteobacteria
Class Gammaproteobacteria
Order Enterobacteriales
Family Enterobacteriaceae
Genus Candidatus Blochmannia
Species pennsylvanicus
Peptidase View peptidase sequences from Candidatus Blochmannia pennsylvanicus
Count of known and putative peptidases: 20, non-peptidase homologues 6
Completely sequences genomes from subspecies and strains Protein coding genes

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Clan Family MEROPS ID Peptidase or homologue (subtype) MERNUM Gene Link Locus Megabases
AC A8 unassigned family A8 unassigned peptidases MER0052782 lspA BPEN_123
CL C82 non-peptidase homologue subfamily C82A non-peptidase homologues MER0740644 ybiS
MA M3 unassigned subfamily M3A unassigned peptidases MER0056799 prlC BPEN_023
MA M41 M41.001 FtsH peptidase MER0057095 hflB BPEN_101
MA M48 M48.002 HtpX peptidase MER0056806 htpX BPEN_463
MF M17 M17.003 PepA aminopeptidase MER0056800 pepA BPEN_035
MG M24 M24.001 methionyl aminopeptidase 1 (Escherichia-type) MER0057583 map BPEN_278
MH M20 unassigned subfamily M20A unassigned peptidases MER0052455 dapE BPEN_534
MJ M38 non-peptidase homologue family M38 non-peptidase homologues MER0057587 nagA BPEN_330
MM M50 unassigned subfamily M50B unassigned peptidases MER0057584 ecfE BPEN_286
MO M23 M23.011 YebA peptidase MER0056807 yebA BPEN_466
MO M23 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M23B non-peptidase homologues MER0056802 nlpD BPEN_173
MU M103 M103.001 TldD peptidase (Escherichia coli) MER0057585 tldD BPEN_305
MU M103 M103.950 microcin-processing peptidase 1 homologue MER0057586 pmbA BPEN_306
PA S1 S01.274 DegQ peptidase MER0052781 degQ BPEN_048
PC C26 C26.954 carA protein MER0057582 carA BPEN_126
PC C26 C26.955 aminodeoxychorismate synthase, subunit II MER0057878 pabA BPEN_588
PC C26 C26.960 TrpD protein (anthranilate synthase component II) MER0057589 trpG BPEN_439
PC C26 C26.965 imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase subunit HisH MER0437081 hisH
PC C26 unassigned family C26 unassigned peptidases MER0057877 guaA BPEN_546
SC S33 unassigned family S33 unassigned peptidases MER0057588 ybfF BPEN_334
SF S26 S26.001 signal peptidase I MER0052785 lepB BPEN_561
SJ S16 S16.001 Lon-A peptidase MER0052784 lon BPEN_307
SK S14 S14.001 peptidase Clp (type 1) MER0052783 clpP BPEN_253
SK S49 unassigned subfamily S49B unassigned peptidases MER0056803 sppA BPEN_450

GENOME ANALYSIS: Comparison with 111 completely sequenced genomes from family Enterobacteriaceae
Family Comment