Structure for peptidase S01.010: granzyme B (Homo sapiens-type)

Summary Gene structure Alignment Tree Sequences Sequence features Distribution Structure Literature Substrates Pharma


PDB Organism Resolution Comment
1IAU Homo sapiens 2.00 Å complex with acetyl-Ile-Glu-Pro-Asp aldehyde
Catalytic residues are shown in ball-and-stick representation: His64 in purple, Asp108 in pink and Ser203 in orange. Acetyl-Ile-Glu-Pro-Asp aldehyde is shown in grey in ball-and-stick representation. Carbohydrates are shown as CPK spheres in yellow.
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Comment Resolution PDB PDBe SCOP CATH PDBSum Proteopedia Reference
Homo sapiens
mature  peptidase 3.10 Å 1FQ3 1FQ3 1FQ3 1FQ3 1FQ3 1FQ3 Estebanez-Perpina et al., 2000
complex with acetyl-Ile-Glu-Pro-Asp aldehyde 2.00 Å 1IAU 1IAU 1IAU 1IAU 1IAU 1IAU Rotonda et al., 2001