7tt3 Citations

Cryo-EM structures reveal multiple stages of bacterial outer membrane protein folding.

Cell 185 1143-1156.e13 (2022)
Related entries: 7tsz, 7tt0, 7tt1, 7tt2, 7tt4, 7tt5, 7tt6, 7tt7, 7ttc

Cited: 18 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 35294859


Transmembrane β barrel proteins are folded into the outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria by the β barrel assembly machinery (BAM) via a poorly understood process that occurs without known external energy sources. Here, we used single-particle cryo-EM to visualize the folding dynamics of a model β barrel protein (EspP) by BAM. We found that BAM binds the highly conserved "β signal" motif of EspP to correctly orient β strands in the OM during folding. We also found that the folding of EspP proceeds via "hybrid-barrel" intermediates in which membrane integrated β sheets are attached to the essential BAM subunit, BamA. The structures show an unprecedented deflection of the membrane surrounding the EspP intermediates and suggest that β sheets progressively fold toward BamA to form a β barrel. Along with in vivo experiments that tracked β barrel folding while the OM tension was modified, our results support a model in which BAM harnesses OM elasticity to accelerate β barrel folding.

Articles - 7tt3 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Cryo-EM structures reveal multiple stages of bacterial outer membrane protein folding. Doyle MT, Jimah JR, Dowdy T, Ohlemacher SI, Larion M, Hinshaw JE, Bernstein HD. Cell 185 1143-1156.e13 (2022)

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