Crotalus adamanteus

Taxonomy database identifier: 8729
Superkingdom Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Subkingdom Metazoa
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Superclass Tetrapoda
Class Reptilia
Subclass Lepidosauria
Order Squamata
Suborder Serpentes
Superfamily Colubroidea
Family Viperidae
Subfamily Crotalinae
Genus Crotalus
Species adamanteus
Common Name eastern diamondback rattlesnake
Peptidase View peptidase sequences from Crotalus adamanteus
Count of known and putative peptidases: 14, non-peptidase homologues 0
Completely sequences genomes from subspecies and strains Protein coding genes

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Clan Family MEROPS ID Peptidase or homologue (subtype) MERNUM Gene Link Locus Megabases
AA A1 A01.009 cathepsin D MER0691284 BACE1
AA A28 A28.003 DNA-damage inducible protein 2 MER0233656
AD A22 A22.001 presenilin 1 MER0245610
AD A22 A22.002 presenilin 2 MER0245673
AD A22 A22.003 impas 1 peptidase MER0258243
AD A22 A22.005 impas 2 peptidase MER0259078
AD A22 unassigned subfamily A22B unassigned peptidases MER0259210
CA C1 C01.032 cathepsin L MER0362355
CA C1 C01.040 cathepsin H MER0362199
CA C1 C01.070 dipeptidyl-peptidase I MER0363395
CA C1 C01.084 bleomycin hydrolase (animal) MER0369918
CA C2 C02.001 calpain-1 MER0291250
CA C2 C02.002 calpain-2 MER0291154
CA C2 C02.011 calpain-5 MER0293912
CA C12 C12.001 ubiquitinyl hydrolase-L1 MER0352697
CA C12 C12.005 ubiquitinyl hydrolase-L5 MER0353359
CA C19 C19.056 ubiquitin-specific peptidase 38 MER0256803
CA C19 non-peptidase homologue family C19 non-peptidase homologues MER0711824 CYFA0S_21e01618g
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0711911 USP25
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0710095 USP16
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0715800 UBP12
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0714673 C923_01156
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0712706 F441_18996
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0708510 FOYG_03398
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0713630 C922_04790
CA C54 C54.004 autophagin-3 MER0729384 EHI5A_164680
CA C85 C85.004 OTUD1 peptidase (Homo sapiens) MER0267172
CA C85 C85.007 YOD1 peptidase MER0267301
CA C86 C86.004 JosD1 peptidase MER0744791 glysoja_022805
CD C13 C13.004 legumain, animal-type MER0358383
CD C13 C13.005 glycosylphosphatidylinositol:protein transamidase MER0358799
CD C14 C14.010 caspase-9 MER0696256 casp8
CD C14 C14.011 caspase-10 MER0696204 CGI_10023427
CE C48 C48.007 SENP2 peptidase MER0728170 LOC100280713
MA M1 M01.004 leukotriene A4 hydrolase MER0295795
MA M2 M02.001 angiotensin-converting enzyme peptidase unit 1 MER0296608
MA M10 M10.003 matrix metallopeptidase-2 MER0330575
MA M10 M10.014 membrane-type matrix metallopeptidase-1 MER0330342
MA M10 M10.022 matrix metallopeptidase-23B MER0330876
MA M12 M12.022 ADAM25 H6 MER0186526
MA M12 M12.133 fibrolase MER0186830
MA M12 M12.133 fibrolase MER0187132
MA M12 M12.141 adamalysin MER0001125
MA M12 M12.141 adamalysin MER0004307
MA M12 M12.178 brevilysin L6 MER0187569
MA M12 M12.186 vascular apoptosis-inducing protein 1 MER0185307
MA M12 M12.313 jerdonitin MER0173362
MA M12 M12.313 jerdonitin MER0339838
MA M12 M12.313 jerdonitin MER0185491
MA M12 M12.313 jerdonitin MER0339811
MA M12 M12.313 jerdonitin MER0829289 T265_00600
MA M12 M12.320 hemorrhagic factor 3 (Bothrops jararaca)-like peptidase MER0179702
MA M13 M13.001 neprilysin MER0311062
MA M13 M13.002 endothelin-converting enzyme 1 MER0311233
MA M13 M13.003 endothelin-converting enzyme 2 MER0311211
MA M41 M41.026 YME1L1 g.p. (Homo sapiens) and similar MER0370272
MA M48 M48.003 farnesylated-protein converting enzyme 1 MER0281264
MA M49 M49.001 dipeptidyl-peptidase III MER0396737
MC M14 M14.005 carboxypeptidase E MER0834092 CPXM2
ME M16 M16.002 insulysin MER0923336 HPELS_03250
ME M16 M16.005 nardilysin MER0925997 BN597_00933
ME M16 M16.P01 LOC133083 g.p. (Homo sapiens) MER0922143 B597_005740
MH M20 M20.005 carnosine dipeptidase II MER0855080 CNDP1
MH M28 M28.972 transferrin receptor protein MER0230751
MJ M19 M19.011 dipeptidase 2 homologue (rodent) MER0322554
MP M67 M67.004 Brcc36 isopeptidase MER0905218 N301_03237
MP M67 M67.971 Mername-AA168 protein MER0907061 EIF3H
MP M67 M67.A10 F37A4.5 protein (Caenorhabditis elegans) MER0907606 EHI5A_176070
MP M67 M67.A13 csn5 g.p. (Dictyostelium discoideum) MER0906402 A1O3_08375
PA S1 S01.177 crotalase MER0004133
PA S1 S01.181 bilineobin MER0367445
PA S1 S01.302 matriptase MER0381371
PA S1 S01.330 catroxase I MER0036348
PA S1 S01.335 calobin MER0484974
PA S1 S01.335 calobin MER0484975
PA S1 S01.347 contortrixobin MER0484973
PA S1 S01.348 acubin MER0484972
PA S1 S01.497 Haly-2 peptidase (Gloydius-type) MER0484971
PA S1 S01.509 gloshedobin (Gloydius shedaoensis) MER0484976
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0953983 EAST
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0264466
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0952307 ANCDUO_17910
PB C69 C69.003 secernin 1 MER0736234 LEP1GSC158_2722
PB C89 unassigned family C89 unassigned peptidases MER0745141 DICVIV_02472
PB C89 unassigned family C89 unassigned peptidases MER0745134 RFI_26627
PB T1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily T1A non-peptidase homologues MER1092154 ANCDUO_25328
PB T1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily T1A non-peptidase homologues MER1092495 hslV
PB T1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily T1A non-peptidase homologues MER1088827 TRIREDRAFT_58125
PB T1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily T1A non-peptidase homologues MER1092901 H634G_07251
PB T1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily T1A non-peptidase homologues MER1093625 A628_00881
PB T1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily T1A non-peptidase homologues MER1088957 psmB
PB T1 unassigned subfamily T1A unassigned peptidases MER1092232 B456_005G088700
PB T1 unassigned subfamily T1A unassigned peptidases MER1092335 PRUPE_ppa010636mg
PB T1 unassigned subfamily T1A unassigned peptidases MER1091779 KAFR0G03030
PB T1 unassigned subfamily T1A unassigned peptidases MER1089083 prcB
PC C56 non-peptidase homologue family C56 non-peptidase homologues MER0734666 hchA
PC S51 S51.002 alpha-aspartyl dipeptidase (eukaryote) MER0220158
S- S72 S72.001 dystroglycan MER1075326 CGI_10006832
SB S8 unassigned subfamily S8A unassigned peptidases MER0984401 PYU1_G001576
SC S9 S09.019 dipeptidyl-peptidase 9 MER1000336 Ces1d
SC S9 unassigned subfamily S9A unassigned peptidases MER0998659 CCM_02224/PV08_11667
SC S9 unassigned family S9 unassigned peptidases MER1020825 A1O9_09873
SC S9 unassigned family S9 unassigned peptidases MER0999790 AT03_07440
SC S9 unassigned family S9 unassigned peptidases MER0999346 H827_YJM1477J00146
SC S10 S10.003 vitellogenic carboxypeptidase-like protein MER0304025
SF S26 S26.009 signalase (animal) 18 kDa component MER0289565
SF S26 S26.010 signalase (animal) 21 kDa component MER0289724
ST S54 unassigned family S54 unassigned peptidases MER1079393 glpG