Danaus plexippus

Taxonomy database identifier: 13037
Superkingdom Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Subkingdom Metazoa
Phylum Arthropoda
Subphylum Hexapoda
Class Insecta
Subclass Pterygota
Superorder Endopterygota
Order Lepidoptera
Suborder Glossata
Superfamily Papilionoidea
Family Nymphalidae
Subfamily Danainae
Genus Danaus
Species plexippus
Common Name monarch butterfly
Peptidase View peptidase sequences from Danaus plexippus
Count of known and putative peptidases: 229, non-peptidase homologues 49
Completely sequences genomes from subspecies and strains Protein coding genes

To show all strains with completely sequenced genomes, click here.

Clan Family MEROPS ID Peptidase or homologue (subtype) MERNUM Gene Link Locus Megabases
AA A1 A01.004 BACE1 g.p. (Homo sapiens) MER0425751 KGM_06478
AA A1 A01.009 cathepsin D MER0309547 KGM_05834
AA A11 unassigned subfamily A11A unassigned peptidases MER0699373 KGM_10389
AA A28 A28.A05 CG4420 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0196902 KGM_21580
AA A28 unassigned subfamily A28B unassigned peptidases MER0700052 KGM_18743
AD A22 A22.003 impas 1 peptidase MER0215266 KGM_06371
AD A22 A22.014 Psn peptidase (Drosophila-type) MER0198823 KGM_17828
AD A22 unassigned subfamily A22B unassigned peptidases MER0218473 KGM_14454
CA C1 C01.035 cathepsin O MER0344947 KGM_00460
CA C1 C01.035 cathepsin O MER0428202 KGM_12118
CA C1 C01.060 cathepsin B MER0345392 KGM_04822
CA C1 C01.067 insect 26/29 kDa peptidase MER0345001 KGM_00212
CA C1 C01.067 insect 26/29 kDa peptidase MER0344937 KGM_11983
CA C1 C01.067 insect 26/29 kDa peptidase MER0344741 KGM_11992
CA C1 C01.084 bleomycin hydrolase (animal) MER0293345 KGM_15622
CA C1 C01.092 cathepsin L1 (arthropod-type) MER0344487 KGM_05845
CA C1 C01.138 Kth-CL peptidase (Kudoa sp.) MER0344488 KGM_03271
CA C1 C01.138 Kth-CL peptidase (Kudoa sp.) MER0344528 KGM_03272
CA C1 C01.A30 CG5367 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0694644 KGM_12945
CA C1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily C1A non-peptidase homologues MER0345215 KGM_04907
CA C1 unassigned subfamily C1A unassigned peptidases MER0345569 KGM_12061
CA C1 unassigned subfamily C1A unassigned peptidases MER0344844 KGM_22410
CA C1 unassigned subfamily C1A unassigned peptidases MER0344553 KGM_03270
CA C1 unassigned subfamily C1A unassigned peptidases MER0344554 KGM_03270
CA C1 unassigned subfamily C1A unassigned peptidases MER0344555 KGM_03270
CA C1 unassigned subfamily C1A unassigned peptidases MER0344556 KGM_03270
CA C1 unassigned subfamily C1A unassigned peptidases MER0344729 KGM_14554
CA C1 unassigned subfamily C1A unassigned peptidases MER0344546 KGM_14555
CA C1 unassigned subfamily C1A unassigned peptidases MER1163557
CA C1 unassigned subfamily C1A unassigned peptidases MER1164643
CA C2 C02.004 calpain-3 MER0348022 KGM_18648
CA C2 C02.004 calpain-3 MER0347909 KGM_18013
CA C2 C02.010 calpain-15 MER0348315 KGM_09990
CA C2 C02.028 calpain-7 MER0429132 KGM_06875
CA C2 non-peptidase homologue subfamily C2A non-peptidase homologues MER0348033 KGM_08262
CA C110 C110.UNW family C110 non-peptidase homologues MER0428293
CA C111 C111.UNW family C111 non-peptidase homologues MER0818239
CA C111 C111.UPW family C111 homologues, unassigned MER0819879
CA C111 C111.UPW family C111 homologues, unassigned MER0744482
CA C12 C12.005 ubiquitinyl hydrolase-L5 MER0291836 KGM_08817
CA C12 C12.008 ubiquitinyl hydrolase UCH-D MER0291682 KGM_21927
CA C12 C12.008 ubiquitinyl hydrolase UCH-D MER0291668 KGM_17369
CA C12 C12.A09 CG8445 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0291858 KGM_03662
CA C12 unassigned family C12 unassigned peptidases MER1171815
CA C12 unassigned family C12 unassigned peptidases MER1171997
CA C12 unassigned family C12 unassigned peptidases MER1170601
CA C121 C121.UPW family C121 homologues, unassigned MER1253297
CA C19 C19.026 ubiquitin-specific peptidase 3 MER0431838 KGM_20167
CA C19 C19.026 ubiquitin-specific peptidase 3 MER0431840 KGM_14835
CA C19 C19.097 dUSP36-type peptidase MER0431835 KGM_06054
CA C19 C19.972 ubiquitin-specific endopeptidase 39 [misleading] MER0431836 KGM_16859
CA C19 C19.A23 CG7023 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0431827 KGM_20368
CA C19 C19.A27 CG8830 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0431842 KGM_18635
CA C19 C19.A28 CG12082 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0431828 KGM_04056
CA C19 C19.A49 Cg32479 g.p. (ld28815p) (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0431848 KGM_16487
CA C19 C19.A52 Usp7 (Drosophila melanogaster-type) MER0431839 KGM_07386
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0431824 KGM_16455
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0431825 KGM_05753
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0431826 KGM_15881
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0431830 KGM_00737
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0431833 KGM_08682
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0431837 KGM_02366
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0431841 KGM_09827
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0431843 KGM_18534
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0431846 KGM_13333
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0431847 KGM_06160
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0293720 KGM_19052
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0293936 KGM_11966
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases MER0431849 KGM_10559
CA C54 C54.A04 CG4428 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0310423 KGM_13074
CA C54 unassigned family C54 unassigned peptidases MER0310445 KGM_11349
CA C64 C64.004 trabid peptidase MER0312950 KGM_20055
CA C64 unassigned family C64 unassigned peptidases MER0312902 KGM_00478
CA C65 C65.001 otubain-1 MER0330632 KGM_09047
CA C67 C67.A01 CylD (Drosophila-type) MER0313423 KGM_01637
CA C78 C78.001 UfSP1 peptidase MER0318651 KGM_07695
CA C78 unassigned family C78 unassigned peptidases MER0318706 KGM_00061
CA C85 C85.007 YOD1 peptidase MER0259119 KGM_21164
CA C85 C85.008 OTU2 peptidase (Saccharomyces cerevisiae-type) MER0254385 KGM_09577
CA C85 unassigned subfamily C85A unassigned peptidases MER0257620 KGM_05862
CA C86 unassigned family C86 unassigned peptidases MER0322281 KGM_01783
CD C13 C13.005 glycosylphosphatidylinositol:protein transamidase MER0292325 KGM_18304
CD C14 C14.015 caspase (insect 1) MER0317941 KGM_00015
CD C14 C14.015 caspase (insect 1) MER0429133 KGM_09988
CD C14 C14.019 caspase DRONC (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0318077 KGM_13508
CD C14 unassigned subfamily C14A unassigned peptidases MER0318053 KGM_09232
CD C14 unassigned subfamily C14A unassigned peptidases MER1178516
CD C50 unassigned family C50 unassigned peptidases MER0310116 KGM_08701
CE C48 unassigned family C48 unassigned peptidases MER0306486 KGM_02132
CE C48 unassigned family C48 unassigned peptidases MER0460616 KGM_16654
CE C48 unassigned family C48 unassigned peptidases MER0306774 KGM_12548
CF C15 unassigned family C15 unassigned peptidases MER0431834 KGM_14385
CP C97 non-peptidase homologue family C97 non-peptidase homologues MER0746180 KGM_07775
CP C97 unassigned family C97 unassigned peptidases MER0323935 KGM_04980
G- G5 G05.002 RCE1 peptidase (Homo sapiens-type) MER0313922 KGM_19944
MA M1 M01.010 cytosol alanyl aminopeptidase MER0276970 KGM_06036
MA M1 M01.013 aminopeptidase N (insect) MER0334652 KGM_03786
MA M1 M01.013 aminopeptidase N (insect) MER0334523 KGM_03787
MA M1 M01.030 aminopeptidase N2 (insect) MER0334546 KGM_03780
MA M1 M01.972 Tata binding protein associated factor MER0464667 KGM_13825
MA M1 M01.A09 CG11956 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0271696 KGM_03785
MA M1 M01.A09 CG11956 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0271378 KGM_01652
MA M1 M01.A09 CG11956 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0276996 KGM_05571
MA M1 M01.A09 CG11956 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER1179812
MA M1 M01.A09 CG11956 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER1181475
MA M1 M01.A11 CG8774 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER1183009
MA M1 non-peptidase homologue family M1 non-peptidase homologues MER0335940 KGM_00628
MA M1 non-peptidase homologue family M1 non-peptidase homologues MER0335458 KGM_12858
MA M1 non-peptidase homologue family M1 non-peptidase homologues MER0810868 KGM_03792
MA M1 unassigned family M1 unassigned peptidases MER0336382 KGM_16443
MA M1 unassigned family M1 unassigned peptidases MER0334503 KGM_03788
MA M1 unassigned family M1 unassigned peptidases MER0334532 KGM_03789
MA M1 unassigned family M1 unassigned peptidases MER0334518 KGM_03790
MA M1 unassigned family M1 unassigned peptidases MER0334555 KGM_03791
MA M2 M02.003 peptidyl-dipeptidase Ance MER0286654 KGM_20330
MA M2 M02.003 peptidyl-dipeptidase Ance MER0286655 KGM_20329
MA M2 M02.004 angiotensin-converting enzyme peptidase unit 2 MER0287566 KGM_21850
MA M2 non-peptidase homologue family M2 non-peptidase homologues MER0287302 KGM_20625
MA M2 non-peptidase homologue family M2 non-peptidase homologues MER0287557 KGM_11665
MA M2 non-peptidase homologue family M2 non-peptidase homologues MER0816893 KGM_14901
MA M2 unassigned family M2 unassigned peptidases MER0287364 KGM_21250
MA M2 unassigned family M2 unassigned peptidases MER0287059 KGM_20331
MA M2 unassigned family M2 unassigned peptidases MER0287090 KGM_08398
MA M3 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M3A non-peptidase homologues MER0344925 KGM_01830
MA M3 unassigned family M3 unassigned peptidases MER0347033 KGM_00992
MA M8 M08.002 invadolysin (invertebrate-type) MER0288209 KGM_16459
MA M10 M10.031 Dm1 matrix metallopeptidase MER0291020 KGM_11906
MA M10 M10.031 Dm1 matrix metallopeptidase MER1204281
MA M10 M10.036 Dm2-matrix metallopeptidase MER0342034 KGM_10361
MA M10 M10.036 Dm2-matrix metallopeptidase MER1206339
MA M10 unassigned subfamily M10A unassigned peptidases MER0342129 KGM_02930
MA M12 M12.011 tolkin MER1212270
MA M12 M12.211 Kuzbanian peptidase (non-mammalian) MER0467761 KGM_06176
MA M12 M12.A04 CG7649 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0298966 KGM_05226
MA M12 M12.A04 CG7649 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER1217482
MA M12 M12.A05 CG4096 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0357741 KGM_11115
MA M12 M12.A07 CG6763 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0298171 KGM_10167
MA M12 M12.A07 CG6763 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER1210736
MA M12 M12.A09 CG15254 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0356327 KGM_20650
MA M12 M12.A09 CG15254 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER1214674
MA M12 M12.A51 Lp02257p/Cg9850-pa (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0467606 KGM_17589
MA M12 M12.A52 stall peptidase (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0357858 KGM_01915
MA M12 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M12A non-peptidase homologues MER0467545 KGM_20548
MA M12 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M12A non-peptidase homologues MER0356454 KGM_15555
MA M12 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M12A non-peptidase homologues MER0356502 KGM_15507
MA M12 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M12A non-peptidase homologues MER0827707 KGM_18825
MA M12 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M12A non-peptidase homologues MER0827086 KGM_02647
MA M12 non-peptidase homologue family M12 non-peptidase homologues MER0467511 KGM_01365
MA M12 unassigned subfamily M12A unassigned peptidases MER0356416 KGM_20651
MA M12 unassigned subfamily M12A unassigned peptidases MER0356309 KGM_16582
MA M12 unassigned subfamily M12A unassigned peptidases MER0356453 KGM_15555
MA M12 unassigned subfamily M12A unassigned peptidases MER1215402
MA M12 unassigned subfamily M12B unassigned peptidases MER0468091 KGM_15304
MA M12 unassigned subfamily M12B unassigned peptidases MER0357328 KGM_13316
MA M12 unassigned subfamily M12B unassigned peptidases MER0467961 KGM_17374
MA M12 unassigned subfamily M12B unassigned peptidases MER0467452 KGM_19441
MA M13 M13.012 Nep2 peptidase (insect) MER0288961 KGM_01294
MA M13 M13.014 neprilysin-4 (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0289038 KGM_04066
MA M13 M13.A14 Nep3 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0289050 KGM_13498
MA M13 M13.A14 Nep3 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0339323 KGM_05358
MA M13 M13.A14 Nep3 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER1223720
MA M13 unassigned family M13 unassigned peptidases MER0338885 KGM_10640
MA M13 unassigned family M13 unassigned peptidases MER0289052 KGM_06431
MA M13 unassigned family M13 unassigned peptidases MER0339262 KGM_04408
MA M13 unassigned family M13 unassigned peptidases MER1223716
MA M13 unassigned family M13 unassigned peptidases MER1223476
MA M41 M41.006 paraplegin MER0363883 KGM_03910
MA M41 M41.007 Afg3-like protein 2 MER0363721 KGM_08960
MA M41 unassigned family M41 unassigned peptidases MER0363815 KGM_13330
MA M48 unassigned subfamily M48A unassigned peptidases MER0295617 KGM_00566
MA M49 M49.A01 CG7415 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0302000 KGM_02682
MA M76 unassigned family M76 unassigned peptidases MER0313224 KGM_09547
MC M14 M14.005 carboxypeptidase E MER0382390 KGM_04352
MC M14 M14.005 carboxypeptidase E MER1233341
MC M14 M14.006 carboxypeptidase M MER0382559 KGM_16475
MC M14 M14.016 metallocarboxypeptidase D peptidase unit 2 MER0382529 KGM_15425
MC M14 M14.024 insect gut carboxypeptidase-1 MER0382069 KGM_19092
MC M14 M14.024 insect gut carboxypeptidase-1 MER0308533 KGM_19091
MC M14 M14.024 insect gut carboxypeptidase-1 MER1230345
MC M14 M14.025 cytosolic carboxypeptidase 5 MER0308862
MC M14 M14.028 cytosolic carboxypeptidase 1 MER0308889
MC M14 M14.031 insect gut carboxypeptidase-2 MER0382066 KGM_11864
MC M14 M14.031 insect gut carboxypeptidase-2 MER1230332
MC M14 M14.032 insect gut carboxypeptidase-3 MER0382149 KGM_19095
MC M14 M14.032 insect gut carboxypeptidase-3 MER0382018 KGM_19096
MC M14 M14.032 insect gut carboxypeptidase-3 MER0382045 KGM_10170
MC M14 M14.037 protein Silver domain 1 MER0382530 KGM_15425
MC M14 M14.A18 CG3108 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0308246 KGM_21071
MC M14 M14.A18 CG3108 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER1228182
MC M14 M14.A21 CG11428 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0308765 KGM_19915
MC M14 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M14A non-peptidase homologues MER0468747 KGM_03188
MC M14 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M14A non-peptidase homologues MER0382101 KGM_02444
MC M14 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M14A non-peptidase homologues MER0382248 KGM_17328
MC M14 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M14B non-peptidase homologues MER0382531 KGM_15425
MC M14 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M14D non-peptidase homologues MER0382092 KGM_19094
MC M14 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M14D non-peptidase homologues MER1230437
MC M14 non-peptidase homologue family M14 non-peptidase homologues MER0468736 KGM_03186
MC M14 non-peptidase homologue family M14 non-peptidase homologues MER0468781 KGM_17326
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER0308336 KGM_09241
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER0382148 KGM_05109
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER0308375 KGM_07030
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER0308360 KGM_02442
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER0308529 KGM_02443
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER0308530 KGM_02443
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER0308342 KGM_21076
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER0308402 KGM_21066
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER0381975 KGM_21077
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER0308354 KGM_21078
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER0382013 KGM_17327
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER0382090 KGM_10171
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER1229341
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER1229638
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER1229489
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases MER1229836
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14B unassigned peptidases MER1234322
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14D unassigned peptidases MER0308730 KGM_18875
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14D unassigned peptidases MER1230118
ME M16 M16.005 nardilysin MER0315186 KGM_15570
ME M16 M16.005 nardilysin MER0717181
ME M16 M16.985 mitochondrial processing peptidase subunit alpha unit 2 MER0471153 KGM_01138
ME M16 M16.A09 F44E7.4 g.p. (Caenorhabditis elegans) MER0315215 KGM_18409
ME M16 M16.A09 F44E7.4 g.p. (Caenorhabditis elegans) MER0684649
ME M16 M16.A18 DDB_G0290415 g.p. (Dictyostelium discoideum) MER0316661 KGM_13628
ME M16 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M16B non-peptidase homologues MER0391665 KGM_08758
ME M16 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M16B non-peptidase homologues MER0392983 KGM_07532
ME M16 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M16B non-peptidase homologues MER0872700
ME M16 non-peptidase homologue family M16 non-peptidase homologues MER0471128 KGM_12262
ME M16 unassigned subfamily M16B unassigned peptidases MER0315643 KGM_13696
ME M16 unassigned subfamily M16C unassigned peptidases MER0316310 KGM_01901
MF M17 M17.006 leucyl aminopeptidase-1 (Caenorhabditis-type) MER0340753 KGM_11987
MF M17 unassigned family M17 unassigned peptidases MER0289493 KGM_15206
MF M17 unassigned family M17 unassigned peptidases MER0340846 KGM_02648
MF M17 unassigned family M17 unassigned peptidases MER0289503 KGM_03343
MG M24 M24.002 methionyl aminopeptidase 2 MER0483015 KGM_16642
MG M24 M24.007 Xaa-Pro dipeptidase (eukaryote-type) MER0319345 KGM_19089
MG M24 M24.017 methionyl aminopeptidase 1 (eukaryote) MER0394347 KGM_21159
MG M24 M24.026 aminopeptidase P3 MER0483014 KGM_17700
MG M24 M24.978 proliferation-associated protein 2G4 MER0486153 KGM_14785
MG M24 unassigned subfamily M24B unassigned peptidases MER0483013 KGM_18348
MH M20 M20.005 carnosine dipeptidase II MER0793570 KGM_02199
MH M20 M20.973 aminoacylase MER0842735 KGM_00092
MH M28 M28.014 carboxypeptidase Q MER0271953 KGM_09652
MJ M19 M19.A02 CG42750 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0290232 KGM_03031
MJ M19 M19.A02 CG42750 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0290184 KGM_08811
MJ M19 M19.A02 CG42750 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0290239 KGM_02737
MJ M19 M19.A02 CG42750 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0641789
MJ M38 M38.972 dihydro-orotase MER0439734
MM M50 unassigned subfamily M50A unassigned peptidases MER0221036 KGM_12110
MP M67 M67.002 Csn5 peptidase MER0317185 KGM_20022
MP M67 M67.007 C6.1A-like putative peptidase MER0317358 KGM_11155
MP M67 M67.971 Mername-AA168 protein MER0393406 KGM_00664
MP M67 M67.A09 Cg2224 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0331096 KGM_18346
MP M67 M67.A11 rpn-11 g.p. (Caenorhabditis elegans) MER0317096 KGM_18474
MP M67 unassigned subfamily M67A unassigned peptidases MER0907014 KGM_06599
MP M67 unassigned subfamily M67A unassigned peptidases MER0906805 KGM_00027
PA S1 S01.013 Nudel peptidase MER0366162 KGM_21182
PA S1 S01.018 scolexin MER0487581 KGM_11209
PA S1 S01.022 ovochymase domain 1 MER0366963 KGM_19850
PA S1 S01.024 ovochymase domain 2 MER0365162 KGM_02369
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0486110 KGM_14380
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0486116 KGM_19506
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0487564 KGM_08550
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0486119 KGM_20887
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0486122 KGM_10810
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0486123 KGM_10810
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0486124 KGM_10811
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0486125 KGM_07278
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0486127 KGM_11459
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0486130 KGM_19326
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0487576 KGM_00527
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0368005 KGM_04954
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0486142 KGM_14626
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0486146 KGM_10988
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0367973 KGM_19350
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0367788 KGM_12286
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0486180 KGM_12946
PA S1 S01.040 chymotrypsin-like enzyme (Lepidoptera) MER0486183 KGM_16259
PA S1 S01.086 30kP peptidase A (Bombyx-type) MER0486166 KGM_05222
PA S1 S01.086 30kP peptidase A (Bombyx-type) MER0486191 KGM_15672
PA S1 S01.112 cocoonase MER0368090 KGM_20217
PA S1 S01.112 cocoonase MER0486104 KGM_06108
PA S1 S01.112 cocoonase MER0486109 KGM_10489
PA S1 S01.112 cocoonase MER0486133 KGM_01471
PA S1 S01.112 cocoonase MER0486138 KGM_15352
PA S1 S01.112 cocoonase MER0486139 KGM_15352
PA S1 S01.112 cocoonase MER0486147 KGM_02705
PA S1 S01.112 cocoonase MER0486150 KGM_09237
PA S1 S01.112 cocoonase MER0486187 KGM_01995
PA S1 S01.113 vitellin-degrading peptidase (Bombyx-type) MER0367015 KGM_06501
PA S1 S01.130 trypsin (mosquito type) MER0367967 KGM_11619
PA S1 S01.130 trypsin (mosquito type) MER0367508 KGM_04327
PA S1 S01.130 trypsin (mosquito type) MER0486178 KGM_19291
PA S1 S01.156 enteropeptidase MER0367552 KGM_08126
PA S1 S01.166 proteolytic lectin (Anopheles-type) MER0366081 KGM_16575
PA S1 S01.200 Snake peptidase (Insecta) MER0486154 KGM_09754
PA S1 S01.201 Easter peptidase MER0486172 KGM_04694
PA S1 S01.204 prophenoloxidase-activating peptidase-I MER0486115 KGM_10107
PA S1 S01.204 prophenoloxidase-activating peptidase-I MER0486181 KGM_14344
PA S1 S01.225 Stubble peptidase (Insecta) MER0365158 KGM_03759
PA S1 S01.225 Stubble peptidase (Insecta) MER0366876 KGM_13874
PA S1 S01.234 peptidase 3 (Dermatophagoides-type) MER0486179 KGM_12213
PA S1 S01.305 prophenoloxidase-activating peptidase (Bombyx-type) MER0367949 KGM_07356
PA S1 S01.305 prophenoloxidase-activating peptidase (Bombyx-type) MER0486132 KGM_01695
PA S1 S01.305 prophenoloxidase-activating peptidase (Bombyx-type) MER0486167 KGM_03147
PA S1 S01.305 prophenoloxidase-activating peptidase (Bombyx-type) MER0486168 KGM_03146
PA S1 S01.305 prophenoloxidase-activating peptidase (Bombyx-type) MER0486169 KGM_03146
PA S1 S01.413 prophenoloxidase-activating peptidase (Pacifastacus leniusculus) MER0366575 KGM_06914
PA S1 S01.421 Persephone peptidase MER0368069 KGM_05035
PA S1 S01.427 prophenoloxidase-activating peptidase (Manduca-type) MER0367366 KGM_07044
PA S1 S01.427 prophenoloxidase-activating peptidase (Manduca-type) MER0486112 KGM_07043
PA S1 S01.438 fire ant chymotrypsin MER0367422 KGM_21042
PA S1 S01.438 fire ant chymotrypsin MER0365560 KGM_16576
PA S1 S01.444 hemolymph proteinase 14 MER0486118 KGM_11180
PA S1 S01.444 hemolymph proteinase 14 MER0486149 KGM_00922
PA S1 S01.444 hemolymph proteinase 14 MER0487597 KGM_17130
PA S1 S01.467 hemolymph proteinase 21 MER0486161 KGM_06643
PA S1 S01.467 hemolymph proteinase 21 MER0367540 KGM_12911
PA S1 S01.484 CTLP-1-type peptidase MER0487600 KGM_01164
PA S1 S01.484 CTLP-1-type peptidase MER0486189 KGM_09677
PA S1 S01.492 venom serine peptidase (Hymenoptera) MER0367169 KGM_14083
PA S1 S01.492 venom serine peptidase (Hymenoptera) MER0367463 KGM_14082
PA S1 S01.492 venom serine peptidase (Hymenoptera) MER0367777 KGM_14081
PA S1 S01.506 TmSAE peptidase MER0486120 KGM_06097
PA S1 S01.506 TmSAE peptidase MER0366691 KGM_02527
PA S1 S01.506 TmSAE peptidase MER0487589 KGM_02707
PA S1 S01.507 TmSPE peptidase (Tenebrio-type) MER0486152 KGM_13601
PA S1 S01.507 TmSPE peptidase (Tenebrio-type) MER0486171 KGM_04696
PA S1 S01.511 Bi-VSP peptidase (Bombyx ignitus) MER0367484 KGM_04446
PA S1 S01.511 Bi-VSP peptidase (Bombyx ignitus) MER0367081 KGM_04442
PA S1 S01.511 Bi-VSP peptidase (Bombyx ignitus) MER0368103 KGM_06441
PA S1 S01.511 Bi-VSP peptidase (Bombyx ignitus) MER0367022 KGM_02371
PA S1 S01.511 Bi-VSP peptidase (Bombyx ignitus) MER0486188 KGM_20343
PA S1 S01.936 CLIPA8 (Anopheles gambiae) and similar MER0486145 KGM_01259
PA S1 S01.960 CLIP-domain prophenoloxidase activating factor MER0486141 KGM_18436
PA S1 S01.960 CLIP-domain prophenoloxidase activating factor MER0367142 KGM_21567
PA S1 S01.A37 CG8170 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0366453 KGM_08397
PA S1 S01.A51 CG2105 (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0367032 KGM_07000
PA S1 S01.A58 CG13744 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0367639 KGM_19282
PA S1 S01.A61 CG9733 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0368165 KGM_03148
PA S1 S01.A81 CG4812 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0486134 KGM_11622
PA S1 S01.B31 melanization peptidase-1, isoform A (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0486117 KGM_21313
PA S1 S01.B31 melanization peptidase-1, isoform A (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0367897 KGM_11957
PA S1 S01.B32 CG32260 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0487575 KGM_03986
PA S1 S01.B34 CG8213 protein, isoform C (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0366548 KGM_17986
PA S1 S01.B35 CG34350 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0365369 KGM_20486
PA S1 S01.B36 CG8172 protein, isoform A (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0365622 KGM_11283
PA S1 S01.B41 CG4914 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0366318 KGM_10937
PA S1 S01.B41 CG4914 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0366319 KGM_10937
PA S1 S01.B41 CG4914 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0365497 KGM_10936
PA S1 S01.B43 CG11836 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0487562 KGM_21033
PA S1 S01.B43 CG11836 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0366952 KGM_10938
PA S1 S01.B43 CG11836 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0366953 KGM_10938
PA S1 S01.B43 CG11836 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0365329 KGM_10935
PA S1 S01.B44 CG16821 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0365077 KGM_11046
PA S1 S01.B77 CG10663-PC, isoform C (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0486144 KGM_17465
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487557 KGM_13608
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487560 KGM_09014
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0486111 KGM_13578
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487563 KGM_07492
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487567 KGM_02677
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0486121 KGM_05051
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487572 KGM_14772
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0486135 KGM_19881
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487579 KGM_01256
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0486148 KGM_15339
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0486159 KGM_18946
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0486160 KGM_18951
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487584 KGM_09364
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0486162 KGM_18706
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0486163 KGM_18706
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487585 KGM_18705
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0486164 KGM_16799
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487587 KGM_15068
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0366996 KGM_01855
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487590 KGM_18612
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487591 KGM_09622
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0486140 KGM_21569
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0486174 KGM_21569
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487594 KGM_01483
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487595 KGM_04098
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487596 KGM_17225
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0366545 KGM_01002
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0486184 KGM_02235
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0487603 KGM_12840
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0955775 KGM_15373
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0952429 KGM_11364
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0958021 KGM_00059
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0955919 KGM_11591
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0958475 KGM_21245
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0952564 KGM_17833
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0958803 KGM_14776
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0952371 KGM_18483
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues MER0957030 KGM_15158
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486105 KGM_22421
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486106 KGM_14131
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486107 KGM_14131
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487554 KGM_07369
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487555 KGM_12510
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486108 KGM_04441
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487556 KGM_00637
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0367965 KGM_09015
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487561 KGM_20208
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486113 KGM_01765
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486114 KGM_16801
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487565 KGM_08830
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487566 KGM_03656
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487568 KGM_08476
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487569 KGM_06829
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486126 KGM_01536
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487570 KGM_12060
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487571 KGM_02003
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486128 KGM_11953
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486131 KGM_19430
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487573 KGM_02679
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487574 KGM_03278
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487577 KGM_16917
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487578 KGM_20258
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486143 KGM_02480
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486151 KGM_11634
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486157 KGM_02917
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487582 KGM_17897
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487583 KGM_17896
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486158 KGM_02850
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0367429 KGM_04504
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487586 KGM_16793
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487588 KGM_15067
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486165 KGM_15066
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486170 KGM_12459
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486173 KGM_17300
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487592 KGM_14115
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487593 KGM_10691
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486175 KGM_10692
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486176 KGM_10692
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487599 KGM_01925
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486182 KGM_01924
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487601 KGM_01437
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0487602 KGM_07027
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486185 KGM_12839
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486186 KGM_12839
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486190 KGM_15552
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER0486192 KGM_15539
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases MER1268583
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1B unassigned peptidases MER0964378 KGM_06364
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1E unassigned peptidases MER0486155 KGM_02918
PB C44 C44.001 amidophosphoribosyltransferase precursor MER0305591 KGM_17699
PB C44 C44.974 asparagine synthetase MER0457545 KGM_10589
PB C44 non-peptidase homologue family C44 non-peptidase homologues MER0455277 KGM_22297
PB C44 unassigned family C44 unassigned peptidases MER0457544 KGM_05167
PB C45 C45.A01 CG12120 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0460615 KGM_14036
PB C69 unassigned family C69 unassigned peptidases MER0735823 KGM_21495
PB C95 C95.001 lysosomal 66.3 kDa protein (Mus musculus-type) MER0169887 KGM_14169
PB C95 non-peptidase homologue family C95 non-peptidase homologues MER0745405 KGM_18453
PB P2 P02.013 ETL protein MER0320049 KGM_14061
PB P2 unassigned subfamily P02A unassigned peptidases MER0320095
PB T1 T01.010 proteasome subunit beta1c MER0470874 KGM_11399
PB T1 T01.012 proteasome subunit beta5c MER0323279 KGM_21442
PB T1 T01.971 proteasome subunit alpha 6 MER0461411
PB T1 T01.972 proteasome subunit alpha 2 MER0464631 KGM_01615
PB T1 T01.975 proteasome subunit alpha 5 MER0466798 KGM_20410
PB T1 T01.984 proteasome subunit beta 2 MER0467712 KGM_03693
PB T1 T01.984 proteasome subunit beta 2 MER0469809 KGM_19166
PB T1 T01.990 similar to splicing factor U2AF homolog (Mus musculus) MER0466725 KGM_02097
PB T1 T01.A02 proteasome subunit beta2 (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0323305 KGM_04881
PB T1 T01.A08 pbs-7 g.p. (Caenorhabditis elegans) MER0439513 KGM_20431
PB T1 unassigned subfamily T1A unassigned peptidases MER0400364 KGM_20388
PB T1 unassigned subfamily T1A unassigned peptidases MER0464824
PB T1 unassigned subfamily T1A unassigned peptidases MER0460857 KGM_04149
PB T1 unassigned subfamily T1A unassigned peptidases MER0452766 KGM_01034
PB T1 unassigned subfamily T1A unassigned peptidases MER1363794
PB T2 T02.001 glycosylasparaginase precursor MER0306841 KGM_09650
PB T2 unassigned family T2 unassigned peptidases MER1096604 KGM_16610
PB T2 unassigned family T2 unassigned peptidases MER1095005 KGM_19062
PB T3 non-peptidase homologue family T3 non-peptidase homologues MER1100988 KGM_08194
PB T3 unassigned family T3 unassigned peptidases MER0379257 KGM_18060
PB T3 unassigned family T3 unassigned peptidases MER0380111 KGM_12618
PB T3 unassigned family T3 unassigned peptidases MER0379144 KGM_10025
PC C26 C26.952 dihydro-orotase (N-terminal unit) (Homo sapiens-type) MER0439735
PC C26 C26.A21 LD42771 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0441628 KGM_14470
PC C26 C26.A22 CG32155 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0295852 KGM_07535
PC C26 unassigned family C26 unassigned peptidases MER0450738 KGM_20810
PC C56 non-peptidase homologue family C56 non-peptidase homologues MER0385400 KGM_12655
PC S51 S51.002 alpha-aspartyl dipeptidase (eukaryote) MER0314065 KGM_20154
PC S51 unassigned family S51 unassigned peptidases MER1352687
PD C46 unassigned family C46 unassigned peptidases MER0306164 KGM_07089
S- S72 non-peptidase homologue family S72 non-peptidase homologues MER0322529
S- S72 non-peptidase homologue family S72 non-peptidase homologues MER0322530
S- S81 S81.001 destabilase MER0189989 KGM_00748
S- S81 non-peptidase homologue family S81 non-peptidase homologues MER0145617 KGM_12326
S- S81 non-peptidase homologue family S81 non-peptidase homologues MER0187694 KGM_05059
S- S81 non-peptidase homologue family S81 non-peptidase homologues MER0099037 KGM_02666
SB S8 S08.072 PCSK1 peptidase MER0325122 KGM_14881
SB S8 S08.109 KPC2-type peptidase MER0325305 KGM_14354
SB S8 unassigned subfamily S8A unassigned peptidases MER0982240 KGM_06994
SB S8 unassigned subfamily S8A unassigned peptidases MER0974888 KGM_10892
SB S8 unassigned subfamily S8B unassigned peptidases MER0325202 KGM_05589
SB S8 unassigned subfamily S8B unassigned peptidases MER0325121 KGM_16623
SB S8 unassigned subfamily S8B unassigned peptidases MER0325261 KGM_04197
SB S8 unassigned subfamily S8B unassigned peptidases MER1287398
SC S9 S09.001 prolyl oligopeptidase MER0325782 KGM_09025
SC S9 S09.004 acylaminoacyl-peptidase MER0328957 KGM_10966
SC S9 S09.004 acylaminoacyl-peptidase MER0328941 KGM_10967
SC S9 S09.A65 CG11319 (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0326279
SC S9 S09.A65 CG11319 (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0326355
SC S9 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S9B non-peptidase homologues MER1001537 KGM_18948
SC S9 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S9B non-peptidase homologues MER1295941
SC S9 unassigned subfamily S9B unassigned peptidases MER0489143 KGM_12708 KGM_12708
SC S9 unassigned subfamily S9B unassigned peptidases MER0326161 KGM_17950
SC S9 unassigned subfamily S9B unassigned peptidases MER0326118 KGM_13079
SC S9 unassigned subfamily S9B unassigned peptidases MER0326205 KGM_13078
SC S9 unassigned subfamily S9B unassigned peptidases MER1296417
SC S9 unassigned subfamily S9B unassigned peptidases MER1296996
SC S9 unassigned family S9 unassigned peptidases MER1002202 KGM_14245
SC S10 S10.003 vitellogenic carboxypeptidase-like protein MER0349961 KGM_03991
SC S10 S10.003 vitellogenic carboxypeptidase-like protein MER0349807 KGM_03992
SC S10 S10.003 vitellogenic carboxypeptidase-like protein MER0349923 KGM_15395
SC S10 S10.003 vitellogenic carboxypeptidase-like protein MER0349907 KGM_15677
SC S10 unassigned family S10 unassigned peptidases MER0490168 KGM_01182
SC S10 unassigned family S10 unassigned peptidases MER0350537 KGM_06944
SC S10 unassigned family S10 unassigned peptidases MER0350452 KGM_01563
SC S28 S28.001 lysosomal Pro-Xaa carboxypeptidase MER0304713 KGM_06959
SC S28 S28.003 thymus-specific serine peptidase MER0304903 KGM_02554
SC S28 S28.A09 CG18493 protein (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0304931 KGM_06691
SC S28 unassigned family S28 unassigned peptidases MER0304864 KGM_15000
SC S28 unassigned family S28 unassigned peptidases MER0304966 KGM_21289
SF S26 S26.010 signalase (animal) 21 kDa component MER0266740 KGM_04556
SF S26 unassigned subfamily S26A unassigned peptidases MER1045637 KGM_15428
SF S26 unassigned subfamily S26A unassigned peptidases MER1051862 KGM_20837
SF S26 unassigned subfamily S26B unassigned peptidases MER1337193
SJ S16 S16.002 PIM1 peptidase MER0361213 KGM_19786
SK S14 S14.003 peptidase Clp (type 3) MER0358390 KGM_01435
SP S59 unassigned family S59 unassigned peptidases MER0317678 KGM_01387
SR S60 non-peptidase homologue family S60 non-peptidase homologues MER0331564 KGM_06806
SR S60 non-peptidase homologue family S60 non-peptidase homologues MER0331436 KGM_14544
SR S60 non-peptidase homologue family S60 non-peptidase homologues MER0331437 KGM_14544
SR S60 non-peptidase homologue family S60 non-peptidase homologues MER0331480 KGM_04131
SR S60 non-peptidase homologue family S60 non-peptidase homologues MER0331481 KGM_04131
ST S54 S54.012 rhomboid-4 (insect) MER0315814 KGM_15424
ST S54 S54.A09 rho-6 (Drosophila melanogaster) MER0315864 KGM_07577
ST S54 non-peptidase homologue family S54 non-peptidase homologues MER1077665 KGM_10434
ST S54 unassigned family S54 unassigned peptidases MER0315756 KGM_19054
ST S54 unassigned family S54 unassigned peptidases MER1076063 KGM_14236