Peptidases of the class Bacilli

Superkingdom Bacteria
Phylum Firmicutes
Class Bacilli
Clan Family MEROPS ID peptidase or homologue
AC A8 A08.001 signal peptidase II
AC A8 unassigned family A8 unassigned peptidases
AA A11 unassigned subfamily A11A unassigned peptidases
AD A22 unassigned family A22 unassigned peptidases
AD A24 A24.003 type 4 prepilin peptidase 2
AD A24 A24.017 PibD peptidase
AD A24 A24.019 ComC peptidase
AD A24 non-peptidase homologue subfamily A24A non-peptidase homologues
AD A24 unassigned subfamily A24A unassigned peptidases
AD A24 unassigned subfamily A24B unassigned peptidases
AD A24 unassigned family A24 unassigned peptidases
AE A25 A25.001 gpr peptidase
AE A25 non-peptidase homologue family A25 non-peptidase homologues
AE A25 unassigned family A25 unassigned peptidases
AA A28 unassigned subfamily A28A unassigned peptidases
AE A31 A31.001 HybD peptidase
AE A31 A31.002 HyaD peptidase
AE A31 A31.003 HycI peptidase
AE A31 A31.005 hupW peptidase
AE A31 unassigned family A31 unassigned peptidases
A- A36 A36.001 sporulation factor SpoIIGA
A- A36 unassigned family A36 unassigned peptidases
A- A39 non-peptidase homologue family A39 non-peptidase homologues
A- A39 unassigned family A39 unassigned peptidases
CA C1 C01.084 bleomycin hydrolase (animal)
CA C1 C01.086 aminopeptidase C
CA C1 C01.088 oligopeptidase E
CA C1 C01.089 peptidase G
CA C1 C01.091 peptidase W
CA C1 C01.128 xylellain
CA C1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily C1A non-peptidase homologues
CA C1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily C1B non-peptidase homologues
CA C1 unassigned subfamily C1A unassigned peptidases
CA C1 unassigned subfamily C1B unassigned peptidases
CA C10 C10.001 streptopain
CA C10 unassigned family C10 unassigned peptidases
CA C104 C104.UPW family C104 unassigned peptidases
CR C108 C108.001 Prp peptidase (Staphylococcus aureus)
CR C108 C108.UNW family C108 non-peptidase homologues
CD C11 unassigned subfamily C11A unassigned peptidases
CD C11 unassigned family C11 unassigned peptidases
CA C110 C110.UNW family C110 non-peptidase homologues
CA C110 C110.UPW family C110 unassigned peptidases
CA C113 C113.001 IgdE peptidase (Streptococcus suis)
CA C113 C113.UPW family C113 homologues, unassigned
CD C14 C14.A07 pcp (Dictyostelium discoideum)
CD C14 unassigned subfamily C14B unassigned peptidases
CF C15 C15.001 pyroglutamyl-peptidase I (prokaryote)
CF C15 non-peptidase homologue family C15 non-peptidase homologues
CF C15 unassigned family C15 unassigned peptidases
CM C18 unassigned family C18 unassigned peptidases
CA C19 unassigned family C19 unassigned peptidases
PC C26 C26.001 gamma-glutamyl hydrolase
PC C26 C26.951 carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (Homo sapiens-type)
PC C26 C26.952 dihydro-orotase (N-terminal unit) (Homo sapiens-type)
PC C26 C26.954 carA protein
PC C26 C26.955 aminodeoxychorismate synthase, subunit II
PC C26 C26.957 GMP synthase
PC C26 C26.959 TRP3 protein
PC C26 C26.961 PuuD protein
PC C26 C26.963 carbamoyl-phosphate synthase arginine-specific small chain
PC C26 C26.964 CTP synthetase
PC C26 C26.965 imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase subunit HisH
PC C26 C26.A07 At1g63660 (Arabidopsis thaliana)
PC C26 C26.A09 At1g25220 (Arabidopsis thaliana)-like peptidase
PC C26 C26.A21 LD42771 g.p. (Drosophila melanogaster)
PC C26 C26.A25 trp1 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe)
PC C26 C26.A28 SPBPB2B2.05 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe)
PC C26 C26.A32 imidazoleglycerol-phosphate synthase (Pyrococcus furiosus)
PC C26 C26.A33 carbamoyl-phosphate synthase, small (Pyrococcus furiosus)
PC C26 non-peptidase homologue family C26 non-peptidase homologues
PC C26 unassigned family C26 unassigned peptidases
CA C39 C39.001 bacteriocin-processing peptidase
CA C39 C39.003 streptococcin processing peptidase
CA C39 C39.004 mersacidin lantibiotic processing peptidase
CA C39 C39.006 mutacin II processing peptidase (Streptococcus mutans) and similar
CA C39 C39.007 lacticin 481 processing peptidase (Lactococcus lactis)
CA C39 C39.008 NukT peptidase (Staphylococcus warneri)
CA C39 C39.A03 sublancin 168 lantibiotic transporter (Bacillus subtilis)
CA C39 non-peptidase homologue family C39 non-peptidase homologues
CA C39 unassigned family C39 unassigned peptidases
CO C40 C40.001 dipeptidyl-peptidase VI (bacteria)
CO C40 C40.002 murein peptidase LytF
CO C40 C40.003 murein peptidase lytE
CO C40 C40.004 spr peptidase
CO C40 C40.005 PgdS peptidase
CO C40 C40.006 PgpA peptidase
CO C40 C40.007 YddH peptidase
CO C40 C40.008 CwlS peptidase (Bacillus sp.)
CO C40 C40.009 NLP/P60 (Nostoc punctiforme)-like putative peptidase
CO C40 C40.010 CwlO peptidase (Bacillus sp.)
CO C40 C40.013 YdhO protein (Escherichia coli)
CO C40 C40.014 BacL1 peptidase (Enterococcus faecalis)
CO C40 C40.A06 I33_2179 protein (Bacillus subtilis)
CO C40 C40.A07 I33_1064 protein (Bacillus subtilis)
CO C40 C40.A08 I33_1070 protein (Bacillus subtilis)
CO C40 C40.A09 BSSC8_33880 (Bacillus subtilis)
CO C40 C40.A10 phosphatase-associated protein (Bacillus subtilis)
CO C40 non-peptidase homologue family C40 non-peptidase homologues
CO C40 unassigned family C40 unassigned peptidases
PB C44 C44.001 amidophosphoribosyltransferase precursor
PB C44 C44.003 glutamate synthase (NADPH) large chain
PB C44 C44.971 glucosamine-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase
PB C44 C44.A01 At2g16570 (Arabidopsis thaliana)
PB C44 C44.A03 At4g34740 (Arabidopsis thaliana)
PB C44 C44.A08 glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase precursor (Dictyostelium discoideum)
PB C44 non-peptidase homologue family C44 non-peptidase homologues
PB C44 unassigned family C44 unassigned peptidases
PB C45 unassigned family C45 unassigned peptidases
PD C46 unassigned family C46 unassigned peptidases
CA C47 C47.001 staphopain A
CA C47 C47.002 staphopain B
CA C47 C47.003 EcpA peptidase
CA C47 C47.004 staphopain C
CA C47 unassigned family C47 unassigned peptidases
CA C51 C51.001 D-alanyl-glycyl peptidase (staphylococcal phage phi11-type)
CA C51 C51.002 bacteriophage B30 lysin
CA C51 non-peptidase homologue family C51 non-peptidase homologues
CA C51 unassigned family C51 unassigned peptidases
PC C56 C56.001 PfpI peptidase
PC C56 C56.004 YDR533C putative peptidase
PC C56 C56.006 Hsp31 peptidase
PC C56 C56.972 phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase
PC C56 non-peptidase homologue family C56 non-peptidase homologues
PC C56 unassigned family C56 unassigned peptidases
PB C59 C59.001 penicillin V acylase precursor
PB C59 C59.951 choloylglycine hydrolase
PB C59 non-peptidase homologue family C59 non-peptidase homologues
PB C59 unassigned family C59 unassigned peptidases
CL C60 C60.001 sortase A (Staphylococcus-type)
CL C60 C60.002 sortase B
CL C60 C60.003 sortase C2
CL C60 C60.004 sortase C (Bacillus-type)
CL C60 C60.005 sortase D
CL C60 C60.006 sortase A (Streptococcus-type)
CL C60 C60.007 sortase C1 (Streptococcus sp.)
CL C60 C60.008 sortase yhcS (Escherichia coli)
CL C60 C60.A01 ywpE/BSU36340 (Bacillus subtilis)
CL C60 non-peptidase homologue subfamily C60A non-peptidase homologues
CL C60 unassigned subfamily C60A unassigned peptidases
CL C60 unassigned subfamily C60B unassigned peptidases
CL C60 unassigned family C60 unassigned peptidases
CA C66 C66.001 IdeS peptidase
CA C66 C66.003 IdeSsuis peptidase (Streptococcus suis)
CA C66 unassigned family C66 unassigned peptidases
PB C69 C69.001 dipeptidase A
PB C69 C69.002 arginine aminopeptidase (Streptococcus-type)
PB C69 non-peptidase homologue family C69 non-peptidase homologues
PB C69 unassigned family C69 unassigned peptidases
C- C75 C75.001 AgrB peptidase
C- C75 C75.002 FsrB peptidase (Enterococcus faecalis)
C- C75 unassigned family C75 unassigned peptidases
CL C82 C82.001 L,D-transpeptidase (Enterococcus-type)
CL C82 C82.002 Ldt(fs) transpeptidase
CL C82 C82.003 ykuD transpeptidase
CL C82 non-peptidase homologue subfamily C82A non-peptidase homologues
CL C82 unassigned subfamily C82A unassigned peptidases
CL C82 unassigned subfamily C82B unassigned peptidases
CA C96 C96.001 McjB peptidase
CA C96 non-peptidase homologue family C96 non-peptidase homologues
GA G1 G01.006 PepG1 peptidase (Alicyclobacillus sp.)
GA G1 unassigned family G1 unassigned peptidases
GB G2 G02.001 pre-neck appendage protein (Bacillus phage phi29)
GB G2 non-peptidase homologue family G2 non-peptidase homologues
GB G2 unassigned family G2 unassigned peptidases
GC G4 non-peptidase homologue family G4 non-peptidase homologues
G- G5 G05.004 microcystinase MlrA
G- G5 G05.005 RCE1 peptidase (Sarcomastigophora-type)
G- G5 G05.007 MroQ peptidase (Staphylococcus aureus)
G- G5 G05.A04 At3g26085 (Arabidopsis thaliana)
G- G5 unassigned family G5 unassigned peptidases
I- I104 I104.UPW family I104 unassigned peptidase inhibitors
MA M1 M01.002 lysyl aminopeptidase (bacteria)
MA M1 M01.005 alanyl aminopeptidase (bacterial-type)
MA M1 M01.010 cytosol alanyl aminopeptidase
MA M1 non-peptidase homologue family M1 non-peptidase homologues
MA M1 unassigned family M1 unassigned peptidases
MA M2 unassigned family M2 unassigned peptidases
MA M3 M03.004 oligopeptidase A
MA M3 M03.005 peptidyl-dipeptidase Dcp
MA M3 M03.007 oligopeptidase F
MA M3 M03.010 Pz-peptidase A
MA M3 M03.A01 TOP1 peptidase (Arabidopsis thaliana)
MA M3 M03.A08 BSSC8_09230 g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MA M3 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M3B non-peptidase homologues
MA M3 unassigned subfamily M3B unassigned peptidases
MA M3 unassigned subfamily M3C unassigned peptidases
MA M3 unassigned family M3 unassigned peptidases
MA M4 M04.001 thermolysin
MA M4 M04.007 coccolysin
MA M4 M04.008 Mpl peptidase (Listeria sp.)
MA M4 M04.009 aureolysin
MA M4 M04.012 neutral peptidase B
MA M4 M04.014 bacillolysin
MA M4 M04.016 PA peptidase (Aeromonas-type)
MA M4 M04.018 stearolysin
MA M4 M04.021 neutral peptidase (Thermoactinomyces-type)
MA M4 M04.023 zpx peptidase
MA M4 M04.025 protealysin
MA M4 M04.027 Prt1 peptidase (Pectobacterium carotovorum)
MA M4 non-peptidase homologue family M4 non-peptidase homologues
MA M4 unassigned family M4 unassigned peptidases
MA M5 unassigned family M5 unassigned peptidases
MA M6 M06.001 immune inhibitor A peptidase (Bacillus sp.)
MA M6 M06.002 PrtV peptidase
MA M6 M06.004 immune inhibitor A2 peptidase (Bacillus sp.)
MA M6 non-peptidase homologue family M6 non-peptidase homologues
MA M6 unassigned family M6 unassigned peptidases
MA M9 M09.002 collagenase G/A (Clostridium histolyticum)
MA M9 M09.003 bacterial collagenase H
MA M9 M09.005 collagenase ColT (Clostridium tetani)
MA M9 unassigned subfamily M9B unassigned peptidases
MA M10 M10.001 matrix metallopeptidase-1
MA M10 M10.008 matrix metallopeptidase-7
MA M10 M10.011 matrix metallopeptidase-10 (rodent type)
MA M10 M10.020 fragilysin
MA M10 M10.024 membrane-type matrix metallopeptidase-6
MA M10 M10.034 collagenase-like B peptidase (rodent)
MA M10 M10.040 Cydia pomonella granulovirus metallopeptidase
MA M10 M10.056 aeruginolysin
MA M10 M10.066 karilysin
MA M10 M10.A09 Zmp-5 (Caenorhabditis elegans)
MA M10 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M10B non-peptidase homologues
MA M10 unassigned subfamily M10A unassigned peptidases
MA M10 unassigned subfamily M10B unassigned peptidases
MA M10 unassigned subfamily M10C unassigned peptidases
MA M10 unassigned family M10 unassigned peptidases
MA M101 M101.UPW family M101 unassigned peptidases
MU M103 M103.950 microcin-processing peptidase 1 homologue
MU M103 M103.UNW family M103 non-peptidase homologues
MU M103 M103.UPW family M103 unassigned peptidases
MA M12 M12.067 myroilysin
MA M12 unassigned subfamily M12A unassigned peptidases
MA M13 M13.004 oligopeptidase O1
MA M13 M13.005 oligopeptidase O3
MA M13 M13.010 oligopeptidase O2
MA M13 non-peptidase homologue family M13 non-peptidase homologues
MA M13 unassigned family M13 unassigned peptidases
MC M14 M14.007 carboxypeptidase T
MC M14 M14.008 gamma-D-glutamyl-(L)-meso-diaminopimelate peptidase I
MC M14 M14.034 murein peptide amidase MpaA
MC M14 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M14A non-peptidase homologues
MC M14 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M14B non-peptidase homologues
MC M14 non-peptidase homologue hypothetical protein YcjI (Escherichia coli)
MC M14 non-peptidase homologue family M14 non-peptidase homologues
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14A unassigned peptidases
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14B unassigned peptidases
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14C unassigned peptidases
MC M14 unassigned subfamily M14D unassigned peptidases
MC M14 unassigned family M14 unassigned peptidases
MD M15 M15.003 van XYc peptidase
MD M15 M15.010 vanY D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase
MD M15 M15.011 vanX D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptidase
MD M15 M15.012 Aad peptidase
MD M15 M15.020 Ply118 L-Ala-D-Glu peptidase
MD M15 M15.021 Ply500 L-Ala-D-Glu peptidase
MD M15 M15.023 lysin LysA2 (Lactobacillus casei bacteriophage A2) and similar
MD M15 M15.024 DacB metallopeptidase (Streptococcus pneumoniae)
MD M15 M15.950 Ply511 amidase
MD M15 M15.A05 ycdD g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MD M15 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M15A non-peptidase homologues
MD M15 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M15B non-peptidase homologues
MD M15 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M15C non-peptidase homologues
MD M15 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M15D non-peptidase homologues
MD M15 unassigned subfamily M15A unassigned peptidases
MD M15 unassigned subfamily M15B unassigned peptidases
MD M15 unassigned subfamily M15C unassigned peptidases
MD M15 unassigned subfamily M15D unassigned peptidases
MD M15 unassigned family M15 unassigned peptidases
ME M16 M16.001 pitrilysin
ME M16 M16.A05 PqqL protein (Escherichi coli)
ME M16 M16.A15 BSSC8_26020 g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
ME M16 M16.A16 albF g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
ME M16 M16.A20 ymfH g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
ME M16 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M16A non-peptidase homologues
ME M16 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M16B non-peptidase homologues
ME M16 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M16C non-peptidase homologues
ME M16 non-peptidase homologue family M16 non-peptidase homologues
ME M16 unassigned subfamily M16A unassigned peptidases
ME M16 unassigned subfamily M16B unassigned peptidases
ME M16 unassigned subfamily M16C unassigned peptidases
ME M16 unassigned family M16 unassigned peptidases
MF M17 M17.003 PepA aminopeptidase
MF M17 M17.010 leucyl aminopeptidase (Bacillus-type)
MF M17 M17.013 cysteinylglycinase (Treponema denticola)-like peptidase
MF M17 M17.015 aminopeptidase pepZ (Staphylococcus sp.)
MF M17 M17.A03 At2g24200 (Arabidopsis thaliana)
MF M17 non-peptidase homologue family M17 non-peptidase homologues
MF M17 unassigned family M17 unassigned peptidases
MH M18 unassigned family M18 unassigned peptidases
MJ M19 M19.003 dipeptidase AC
MJ M19 M19.007 thermostable dipeptidase (Brevibacillus-type)
MJ M19 M19.012 Caul_3875-type dipeptidase
MJ M19 non-peptidase homologue family M19 non-peptidase homologues
MJ M19 unassigned family M19 unassigned peptidases
MH M20 M20.003 peptidase T
MH M20 M20.004 peptidase V
MH M20 M20.007 Xaa-His dipeptidase
MH M20 M20.009 Mername-AA028 peptidase
MH M20 M20.010 DapE peptidase
MH M20 M20.015 YxeP putative peptidase
MH M20 M20.018 BC4143 protein
MH M20 M20.019 HMRA peptidase (Staphylococcus-type)
MH M20 M20.020 p-aminobenzoyl-glutamate hydrolase subunit A
MH M20 M20.974 acetylornithine deacetylase ArgE
MH M20 M20.976 allantoate amidohydrolase
MH M20 M20.A19 ylmB g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MH M20 M20.A20 rocB g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MH M20 M20.A21 yodQ g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MH M20 M20.A22 BSn5_04310 g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MH M20 M20.A23 Bsubs1_010100013116 g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MH M20 M20.A26 amhX g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MH M20 M20.A27 ykuR g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MH M20 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M20A non-peptidase homologues
MH M20 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M20B non-peptidase homologues
MH M20 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M20C non-peptidase homologues
MH M20 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M20D non-peptidase homologues
MH M20 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M20F non-peptidase homologues
MH M20 non-peptidase homologue family M20 non-peptidase homologues
MH M20 unassigned subfamily M20A unassigned peptidases
MH M20 unassigned subfamily M20B unassigned peptidases
MH M20 unassigned subfamily M20C unassigned peptidases
MH M20 unassigned family M20D unassigned peptidases
MH M20 unassigned subfamily M20F unassigned peptidases
MH M20 unassigned family M20 unassigned peptidases
MO M23 M23.004 lysostaphin
MO M23 M23.005 zoocin A
MO M23 M23.007 enterolysin A
MO M23 M23.009 Mername-AA292 peptidase
MO M23 M23.010 LytH peptidase
MO M23 M23.011 YebA peptidase
MO M23 M23.012 ALE-1 glycylglycine endopeptidase (Staphylococcus capitis)
MO M23 M23.013 LytM glycyl-glycine endopeptidase (Staphylococcus aureus)
MO M23 M23.014 ShyA D,D-endopeptidase (Vibrio cholerae)
MO M23 M23.A03 BSSC8_21440 g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MO M23 M23.A04 yomI g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MO M23 M23.A06 yunA g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MO M23 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M23B non-peptidase homologues
MO M23 non-peptidase homologue family M23 non-peptidase homologues
MO M23 unassigned subfamily M23A unassigned peptidases
MO M23 unassigned subfamily M23B unassigned peptidases
MO M23 unassigned family M23 unassigned peptidases
MG M24 M24.001 methionyl aminopeptidase 1 (Escherichia-type)
MG M24 M24.004 aminopeptidase P (bacteria)
MG M24 M24.006 bacillus Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase
MG M24 M24.008 hyperthermophile prolidase
MG M24 M24.031 leucine aminopeptidase (Thermotoga-type)
MG M24 M24.036 methionyl aminopeptidase 1 (Staphylococcus-type)
MG M24 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M24A non-peptidase homologues
MG M24 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M24B non-peptidase homologues
MG M24 non-peptidase homologue family M24 non-peptidase homologues
MG M24 unassigned subfamily M24A unassigned peptidases
MG M24 unassigned subfamily M24B unassigned peptidases
MA M26 M26.001 IgA1-specific metallopeptidase
MA M26 M26.002 ZmpB metallopeptidase (Streptococcus sp)
MA M26 M26.003 ZmpC metallopeptidase
MA M26 M26.004 IgA1 peptidase (Streptococcus suis)
MA M26 non-peptidase homologue family M26 non-peptidase homologues
MA M26 unassigned family M26 unassigned peptidases
MH M28 M28.003 aminopeptidase S (Streptomyces-type)
MH M28 M28.005 IAP aminopeptidase
MH M28 M28.009 YwaD peptidase
MH M28 M28.020 AM-1 aminopeptidase
MH M28 M28.A01 BSNT_05883 g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MH M28 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M28C non-peptidase homologues
MH M28 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M28F non-peptidase homologues
MH M28 non-peptidase homologue family M28 non-peptidase homologues
MH M28 unassigned subfamily M28A unassigned peptidases
MH M28 unassigned subfamily M28B unassigned peptidases
MH M28 unassigned subfamily M28C unassigned peptidases
MH M28 unassigned subfamily M28E unassigned peptidases
MH M28 unassigned subfamily M28F unassigned peptidases
MH M28 unassigned family M28 unassigned peptidases
MQ M29 M29.002 aminopeptidase II (Bacillus-type)
MQ M29 M29.004 PepS aminopeptidase
MQ M29 M29.005 aminopeptidase S (Staphylococcus-type)
MQ M29 non-peptidase homologue family M29 non-peptidase homologues
MQ M29 unassigned family M29 unassigned peptidases
MA M30 M30.001 hyicolysin
MA M30 unassigned family M30 unassigned peptidases
MA M32 M32.003 TcMCP1 carboxypeptidase
MA M32 M32.006 ypwA peptidase
MA M32 non-peptidase homologue family M32 non-peptidase homologues
MA M32 unassigned family M32 unassigned peptidases
MA M34 M34.001 anthrax lethal factor
MA M34 M34.002 Pro-Pro endopeptidase 1 (Clostridium difficile-type)
MA M34 M34.003 Pro-Pro endopeptidase 2
MA M34 non-peptidase homologue family M34 non-peptidase homologues
MA M34 unassigned family M34 unassigned peptidases
MA M36 unassigned family M36 unassigned peptidases
MJ M38 M38.001 isoaspartyl dipeptidase (metallo-type)
MJ M38 M38.972 dihydro-orotase
MJ M38 M38.973 dihydropyrimidinase
MJ M38 M38.976 dihydropyrimidinase related protein-3
MJ M38 M38.978 dihydropyrimidinase related protein-5
MJ M38 M38.980 probable imidazolonepropionase
MJ M38 M38.982 urease
MJ M38 M38.983 N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase (Bacillus subtilis)
MJ M38 non-peptidase homologue family M38 non-peptidase homologues
MJ M38 unassigned family M38 unassigned peptidases
MA M41 M41.001 FtsH peptidase
MA M41 M41.009 FtsH-2 peptidase
MA M41 M41.017 FtsH-SLR0228 peptidase
MA M41 M41.021 FtsH peptidase (Thermotoga-type)
MA M41 M41.024 AtFtsH5 peptidase
MA M41 M41.A17 DDB_G0284249 g.p. (Dictyostelium discoideum)
MA M41 non-peptidase homologue family M41 non-peptidase homologues
MA M41 unassigned family M41 unassigned peptidases
MH M42 M42.001 glutamyl aminopeptidase (bacterium)
MH M42 M42.002 aminopeptidase I beta chain (Bacillus-type)
MH M42 M42.008 YpdE-type putative peptidase
MH M42 M42.011 aminopeptidase I alpha chain (Bacillus-type)
MH M42 M42.A02 yhfE g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MH M42 non-peptidase homologue family M42 non-peptidase homologues
MH M42 unassigned family M42 unassigned peptidases
MA M43 M43.007 ulilysin (Methanosarcina acetivorans)
MA M43 M43.009 mirolysin (Tannerella forsythia)
MA M48 M48.002 HtpX peptidase
MA M48 M48.004 HtpX-2 peptidase
MA M48 M48.009 YhfN peptidase
MA M48 M48.021 metallopeptidase PGM48 (Arabidopsis thaliana)
MA M48 M48.022 low osmolarity induced peptidase
MA M48 M48.A11 yxkI g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MA M48 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M48A non-peptidase homologues
MA M48 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M48B non-peptidase homologues
MA M48 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M48C non-peptidase homologues
MA M48 non-peptidase homologue family M48 non-peptidase homologues
MA M48 unassigned subfamily M48A unassigned peptidases
MA M48 unassigned subfamily M48B unassigned peptidases
MA M48 unassigned subfamily M48C unassigned peptidases
MA M48 unassigned family M48 unassigned peptidases
MM M50 M50.002 sporulation factor SpoIVFB
MM M50 M50.004 RseP peptidase
MM M50 M50.011 RasP peptidase (Bacillus subtilis)
MM M50 M50.A05 ywhC g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MM M50 M50.A09 yydH g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
MM M50 M50.A11 zinc metallopeptidase (Bacillus subtilis)
MM M50 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M50A non-peptidase homologues
MM M50 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M50B non-peptidase homologues
MM M50 non-peptidase homologue family M50 non-peptidase homologues
MM M50 unassigned subfamily M50A unassigned peptidases
MM M50 unassigned subfamily M50B unassigned peptidases
MM M50 unassigned family M50 unassigned peptidases
MA M54 unassigned family M54 unassigned peptidases
MN M55 M55.001 D-aminopeptidase DppA
MN M55 unassigned family M55 unassigned peptidases
MA M56 M56.001 BlaR1 peptidase
MA M56 M56.002 MecR1 g.p. (Staphylococcus sp.)
MA M56 M56.003 PenR1 peptidase
MA M56 non-peptidase homologue family M56 non-peptidase homologues
MA M56 unassigned family M56 unassigned peptidases
MA M60 M60.003 enhancin-like peptidase (bacteria)
MA M60 unassigned family M60 unassigned peptidases
MA M61 non-peptidase homologue family M61 non-peptidase homologues
MA M61 unassigned family M61 unassigned peptidases
MP M67 unassigned subfamily M67A unassigned peptidases
MP M67 unassigned subfamily M67B unassigned peptidases
M- M73 M73.001 camelysin
M- M73 M73.A01 spore coat-associated protein N (Bacillus subtilis)
M- M73 unassigned family M73 unassigned peptidases
MA M78 M78.001 ImmA peptidase
MA M78 M78.002 IrrE peptidase (Deinococcus sp.)
MA M78 non-peptidase homologue family M78 non-peptidase homologues
MA M78 unassigned family M78 unassigned peptidases
MT M81 unassigned family M81 unassigned peptidases
MA M84 M84.001 MpriBi peptidase (Bacillus sp.)
MA M84 unassigned family M84 unassigned peptidases
MC M86 non-peptidase homologue family M86 non-peptidase homologues
MC M86 unassigned family M86 unassigned peptidases
MA M90 M90.001 MtfA peptidase
MA M90 unassigned family M90 unassigned peptidases
MA M98 non-peptidase homologue family M98 non-peptidase homologues
MA M98 unassigned family M98 unassigned peptidases
NB N6 N06.A01 FlhB protein (Escherichia coli)
NB N6 non-peptidase homologue family N6 non-lyase homologues
NB N6 unassigned family N6 unassigned peptide lyases
PD N10 unassigned family N10 unassigned peptide lyases
PE P1 P01.101 pantetheinyl hydrolase ThnT precursor
PE P1 non-peptidase homologue family P01 non-peptidase homologues
PE P1 unassigned family P01 unassigned peptidases
PA S1 S01.269 glutamyl endopeptidase I
PA S1 S01.270 exfoliatin A
PA S1 S01.271 glutamyl peptidase BL
PA S1 S01.272 glutamyl peptidase BS
PA S1 S01.275 DegS peptidase
PA S1 S01.282 SplB peptidase (Staphylococcus aureus)
PA S1 S01.283 SplC peptidase (Staphylococcus aureus)
PA S1 S01.312 SplE peptidase (Staphylococcus aureus)
PA S1 S01.364 HtrA-like peptidase (Listeria-type)
PA S1 S01.423 SprE glutamyl peptidase
PA S1 S01.443 glutamyl peptidase BI
PA S1 S01.445 exfoliatin B
PA S1 S01.447 HtrA peptidase (Streptococcus-type)
PA S1 S01.450 EhxC peptidase (Staphylococcus-type)
PA S1 S01.453 MucD peptidase
PA S1 S01.491 HtrA peptidase (Thermotoga maritima-type)
PA S1 S01.499 alkaline endopeptidase (Nesterenkonia sp.)
PA S1 S01.503 SplA peptidase (Staphylococcus aureus)
PA S1 S01.522 ESP peptidase (Staphylococcus-type)
PA S1 S01.526 SplD peptidase (Staphylococcus aureus)
PA S1 S01.B80 BSU6633_13792 g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
PA S1 S01.B81 htrA (Bacillus subtilis-type)
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1A non-peptidase homologues
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1B non-peptidase homologues
PA S1 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S1C non-peptidase homologues
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1A unassigned peptidases
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1B unassigned peptidases
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1C unassigned peptidases
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1D unassigned peptidases
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1E unassigned peptidases
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1F unassigned peptidases
PA S1 unassigned family S1 unassigned peptidases
PA S7 unassigned family S7 unassigned peptidases
SB S8 S08.001 subtilisin Carlsberg
SB S8 S08.002 mesentericopeptidase
SB S8 S08.003 subtilisin lentus
SB S8 S08.004 wprA g.p. (Bacillus-type)
SB S8 S08.005 endopeptidase Q
SB S8 S08.007 thermitase
SB S8 S08.009 subtilisin Ak1
SB S8 S08.010 M-peptidase
SB S8 S08.016 WF146 peptidase (Bacillus sp. WF146)
SB S8 S08.017 bacillopeptidase F
SB S8 S08.018 cell envelope-associated peptidase (Lactobacillus-type)
SB S8 S08.019 lactocepin I
SB S8 S08.020 C5a peptidase
SB S8 S08.027 cell envelope peptidase A (Streptococcus-type)
SB S8 S08.030 IspA peptidase
SB S8 S08.032 Psp3 peptidase
SB S8 S08.034 subtilisin BPN'
SB S8 S08.035 subtilisin J
SB S8 S08.036 subtilisin E
SB S8 S08.037 subtilisin DY
SB S8 S08.038 alkaline peptidase (Bacillus alcalophilus)
SB S8 S08.042 subtilisin amylosacchariticus
SB S8 S08.044 subtilisin NAT
SB S8 S08.045 subtilisin ALP 1
SB S8 S08.046 subtilisin aprM
SB S8 S08.059 NisP (Lactococcus lactis)-type lantibiotic leader peptidase
SB S8 S08.060 EpiP lantibiotic leader peptidase
SB S8 S08.064 PrtA (Streptococcus pneumoniae)-type peptidase
SB S8 S08.065 MutP (Streptococcus mutans)-type lantibiotic leader peptidase
SB S8 S08.067 Apr peptidase
SB S8 S08.085 PepP lantibiotic leader peptidase
SB S8 S08.086 CylA lantibiotic leader peptidase
SB S8 S08.087 EciP lantibiotic leader peptidase (Staphylococcus epidermidis)
SB S8 S08.091 tripeptidyl-peptidase S
SB S8 S08.093 LasP lantibiotic leader peptidase (Lactobacillus sakei)
SB S8 S08.095 ElkP lantibiotic leader peptidase
SB S8 S08.098 subtilisin sendai
SB S8 S08.099 halophilic peptidase (Halobacillus sp. SR5-3)
SB S8 S08.107 peptidase MprA (Burkholderia-type)
SB S8 S08.108 CspB peptidase (Clostridium sp.)
SB S8 S08.113 sfericase
SB S8 S08.114 peptidase Vpr (Bacillus-type)
SB S8 S08.116 lactocepin-3
SB S8 S08.117 FT peptidase
SB S8 S08.118 PrtB peptidase (Lactobacillus-type)
SB S8 S08.123 KP-43 peptidase
SB S8 S08.126 minor extracellular protease (Bacillus licheniformis)
SB S8 S08.133 subtilisin LD-1
SB S8 S08.137 AprX peptidase (Bacillus sp.)
SB S8 S08.140 subtilisin S41
SB S8 S08.142 collagenolytic endopeptidase (Geobacillus sp. MO-1)
SB S8 S08.147 prtH2 peptidase (Lactobacillus helveticus)
SB S8 S08.149 CDF peptidase
SB S8 S08.153 prtR peptidase (Lactobacillus rhamnosus)
SB S8 S08.157 subtilisin YaB
SB S8 S08.163 keratinase (Brevibacillus parabrevis)
SB S8 S08.A50 OSW3 peptidase (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
SB S8 S08.A60 BSn5_12555 (Bacillus subtilis)
SB S8 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S8A non-peptidase homologues
SB S8 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S8B non-peptidase homologues
SB S8 unassigned subfamily S8A unassigned peptidases
SB S8 unassigned subfamily S8B unassigned peptidases
SC S9 S09.010 oligopeptidase B
SC S9 S09.015 PREPL A protein
SC S9 S09.024 Mername-AA264 putative peptidase (LP_1002 protein) (Lactobacillus plantarum)
SC S9 S09.068 Mername-AA240 putative peptidase (Mus musculus)
SC S9 S09.071 trilobed protease
SC S9 S09.940 S-formylglutathione hydrolase FrmB (Escherichi coli)
SC S9 S09.945 hypothetical esterase/lipase/thioesterase
SC S9 S09.946 BSU33620 g.p. (Bacillus subtilis) and similar
SC S9 S09.948 para-nitrobenzyl esterase (Bacillus subtilis)
SC S9 S09.949 cephalosporin C deacetylase
SC S9 S09.951 brefeldin A esterase
SC S9 S09.980 cholinesterase
SC S9 S09.985 bile salt-dependent lipase
SC S9 S09.986 carboxylesterase-related protein
SC S9 S09.993 hormone-sensitive lipase
SC S9 S09.A08 At5g14310 (Arabidopsis thaliana)
SC S9 S09.A39 YeiG protein (Escherichi coli)
SC S9 S09.A43 YpfH protein (Escherichi coli)
SC S9 S09.A46 YjfP protein (Escherichi coli)
SC S9 S09.A49 acyl-coenzyme A:N-acyltransferase 1
SC S9 S09.A58 F14F18_80 protein (Arabidopsis thaliana)
SC S9 S09.A77 dpf-6 g.p. (Caenorhabditis elegans)
SC S9 S09.A82 Y43f8a.3 g.p. (Caenorhabditis elegans)
SC S9 S09.A89 acetylcholinesterase (Caenorhabditis elegans)
SC S9 S09.B04 BSU23640 g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
SC S9 S09.B06 ytmA g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
SC S9 S09.B07 yjcH g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
SC S9 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S9A non-peptidase homologues
SC S9 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S9B non-peptidase homologues
SC S9 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S9C non-peptidase homologues
SC S9 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S9D non-peptidase homologues
SC S9 non-peptidase homologue family S9 non-peptidase homologues
SC S9 unassigned subfamily S9A unassigned peptidases
SC S9 unassigned subfamily S9B unassigned peptidases
SC S9 unassigned subfamily S9C unassigned peptidases
SC S9 unassigned subfamily S9D unassigned peptidases
SC S9 unassigned family S9 unassigned peptidases
SE S11 S11.001 D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase A
SE S11 S11.002 murein-DD-endopeptidase
SE S11 S11.004 K15-type DD-transpeptidase
SE S11 S11.005 D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase DacF
SE S11 S11.006 D,D-carboxypeptidase PBP3 (Streptococcus-type)
SE S11 S11.010 penicillin-binding protein 4 (Staphylococcus-type) peptidase
SE S11 S11.A01 penP g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
SE S11 non-peptidase homologue family S11 non-peptidase homologues
SE S11 unassigned family S11 unassigned peptidases
SE S12 S12.003 alkaline D-peptidase
SE S12 S12.006 class C beta-lactamase
SE S12 S12.008 Pab87 peptidase
SE S12 S12.009 microcystinase MlrB
SE S12 S12.011 XcnG peptidase (Xenorhabdus nematophila)
SE S12 S12.012 AmpH protein (Escherichia-type)
SE S12 S12.013 paenidase
SE S12 S12.950 esterase EstB
SE S12 S12.952 ybbE (Bacillus subtilis)
SE S12 S12.A12 lact-8 g.p. (Caenorhabditis elegans)
SE S12 S12.A21 pbpX g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
SE S12 S12.A22 BSU6633_13517 g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
SE S12 S12.A23 GYO_0385 g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
SE S12 S12.A28 pksF (Bacillus subtilis)
SE S12 non-peptidase homologue family S12 non-peptidase homologues
SE S12 unassigned family S12 unassigned peptidases
SE S13 S13.002 D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase (Actinomadura-type)
SE S13 S13.003 D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase PBP3
SE S13 non-peptidase homologue family S13 non-peptidase homologues
SE S13 unassigned family S13 unassigned peptidases
SK S14 S14.001 peptidase Clp (type 1)
SK S14 S14.012 YmfB g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
SK S14 non-peptidase homologue family S14 non-peptidase homologues
SK S14 unassigned family S14 unassigned peptidases
SC S15 S15.001 Xaa-Pro dipeptidyl-peptidase
SC S15 non-peptidase homologue family S15 non-peptidase homologues
SC S15 unassigned family S15 unassigned peptidases
SJ S16 S16.001 Lon-A peptidase
SJ S16 S16.005 Lon-B peptidase
SJ S16 S16.012 SepM peptidase (Streptococcus mutans)
SJ S16 S16.A04 DNA repair protein RadA (Escherichia coli)
SJ S16 S16.A12 PF1438 (Pyrococcus furiosus)
SJ S16 non-peptidase homologue family S16 non-peptidase homologues
SJ S16 unassigned family S16 unassigned peptidases
SF S24 S24.001 repressor LexA
SF S24 S24.005 irvR self-cleaving protein
SF S24 non-peptidase homologue family S24 non-peptidase homologues
SF S24 unassigned family S24 unassigned peptidases
SF S26 S26.003 signal peptidase SipS
SF S26 S26.004 signal peptidase SipT
SF S26 S26.005 signal peptidase SipU
SF S26 S26.006 signal peptidase SipV
SF S26 S26.007 signal peptidase SipP
SF S26 S26.011 signal peptidase SipW (Bacillus-type)
SF S26 S26.015 Streptococcus-type signal peptidase
SF S26 S26.016 SpsB signal peptidase
SF S26 S26.018 SipM signal peptidase
SF S26 S26.019 similar to type-I signal peptidase
SF S26 S26.020 similar to type-I signal peptidase
SF S26 S26.021 similar to type-I signal peptidase
SF S26 S26.026 PA1303 peptidase (Pseudomonas sp.)
SF S26 S26.A02 Plsp1 peptidase (Arabidopsis thaliana)
SF S26 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S26A non-peptidase homologues
SF S26 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S26B non-peptidase homologues
SF S26 non-peptidase homologue family S26 non-peptidase homologues
SF S26 unassigned subfamily S26A unassigned peptidases
SF S26 unassigned subfamily S26B unassigned peptidases
SC S33 S33.001 prolyl aminopeptidase
SC S33 S33.003 leucine aminopeptidase pepL (Lactobacillus delbrueckii)
SC S33 S33.004 prolyl dipeptidase (Lactobacillus-type)
SC S33 S33.010 SCO7095-type peptidase
SC S33 S33.021 iminopeptidase I (Lactobacillus delbrueckii) and similar
SC S33 S33.994 BioH protein (Escherichi coli)
SC S33 S33.996 YfbB protein (Escherichi coli)
SC S33 S33.A03 At5g19850 (Arabidopsis thaliana)-type peptidase
SC S33 S33.A14 At5g21950 (Arabidopsis thaliana)
SC S33 S33.A36 At1g68900 (Arabidopsis thaliana)
SC S33 S33.B15 PF3D7_1410100 g.p. (Plasmodium falciparum)
SC S33 non-peptidase homologue family S33 non-peptidase homologues
SC S33 unassigned family S33 unassigned peptidases
SK S41 S41.001 C-terminal processing peptidase-1
SK S41 S41.004 C-terminal processing peptidase-3
SK S41 S41.007 ctpB peptidase
SK S41 S41.008 CtpA peptidase (Synechocystis-type)
SK S41 S41.009 CtpB peptidase
SK S41 S41.010 CtpC peptidase
SK S41 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S41A non-peptidase homologues
SK S41 unassigned subfamily S41A unassigned peptidases
PB S45 S45.001 penicillin G acylase precursor
PB S45 S45.002 cephalosporin acylase precursor
PB S45 S45.003 cephalosporin C acylase precursor
SK S49 S49.008 signal peptide peptidase (Bacillus-type)
SK S49 S49.A08 BSn5_05605 g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
SK S49 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S49A unassigned non-peptidase homologues
SK S49 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S49B non-peptidase homologues
SK S49 non-peptidase homologue subfamily S49C non-peptidase homologues
SK S49 unassigned subfamily S49A unassigned peptidases
SK S49 unassigned subfamily S49B unassigned peptidases
SK S49 unassigned subfamily S49C unassigned peptidases
SK S49 unassigned family S49 unassigned peptidases
SJ S50 unassigned family S50 unassigned peptidases
PC S51 S51.003 cyanophycinase
PC S51 non-peptidase homologue family S51 non-peptidase homologues
PC S51 unassigned family S51 unassigned peptidases
SB S53 S53.004 kumamolisin
SB S53 S53.005 kumamolisin-B
SB S53 S53.008 physarolisin II
SB S53 S53.009 kumamolisin-As
SB S53 non-peptidase homologue family S53 non-peptidase homologues
SB S53 unassigned family S53 unassigned peptidases
ST S54 S54.014 rhomboid YqgP peptidase
ST S54 S54.027 RhoII peptidase (Haloferax volcanii) and similar
ST S54 S54.A06 At3g53780 (Arabidopsis thaliana)
ST S54 S54.A18 ydcA g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
ST S54 non-peptidase homologue family S54 non-peptidase homologues
ST S54 unassigned family S54 unassigned peptidases
PA S55 S55.001 SpoIVB peptidase
PA S55 unassigned family S55 unassigned peptidases
SS S66 S66.001 murein tetrapeptidase LD-carboxypeptidase (Pseudomonas-type)
SS S66 S66.002 murein tetrapeptidase LD-carboxypeptidase (Escherichia-type)
SS S66 S66.003 microcin C7 immunity protein
SS S66 non-peptidase homologue family S66 non-peptidase homologues
SS S66 unassigned family S66 unassigned peptidases
SO S74 S74.002 Bacillus subtilis phage GA-1 neck appendage CIMCD self-cleaving protein
SH S78 S78.001 prohead peptidase (bacteriophage HK97)
SH S78 non-peptidase homologue family S78 non-peptidase homologues
SH S78 unassigned family S78 unassigned peptidases
S- S85 non-peptidase homologue family S85 non-peptidase homologues
S- S85 unassigned family S85 unassigned peptidases
PB T1 T01.007 CodW component of CodWX peptidase
PB T1 unassigned subfamily T1A unassigned peptidases
PB T1 unassigned subfamily T1B unassigned peptidases
PB T2 T02.007 Chryseobacterium meningosepticum-type N4-(beta-N-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparaginase
PB T2 unassigned family T2 unassigned peptidases
PB T3 T03.001 gamma-glutamyltransferase 1 (bacterial-type)
PB T3 T03.008 gamma-glutamyltransferase (plant)
PB T3 T03.013 gamma-glutamyltransferase (Synechocystis-type)
PB T3 T03.023 CapD poly-gamma-glutamate hydrolase
PB T3 T03.025 oxamate amidohydrolase proenzyme (Klebsiella pneumonia)
PB T3 non-peptidase homologue family T3 non-peptidase homologues
PB T3 unassigned family T3 unassigned peptidases
PE T5 T05.001 ornithine acetyltransferase precursor
PE T5 T05.002 ArgJ protein (archea)
PE T5 unassigned family T5 unassigned peptidases
U- U32 U32.002 collagenase (Helicobacter-type)
U- U32 U32.003 collagenase (Salmonella-type)
U- U32 U32.A02 yrrN g.p. (Bacillus subtilis)
U- U32 unassigned family U32 unassigned peptidases
U- U56 unassigned family U56 unassigned peptidases
U- U57 U57.001 yabG protein (Bacillus-type)
U- U57 unassigned family U57 unassigned peptidases
U- U69 unassigned family U69 unassigned peptidases